Key Information in Other Languages

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cþÿûÁÄΤ ýÿ^Ö¶ÄΤ English

The English version of the Information Services Department (ISD) website contains selected useful information only. You can access the full content of our website in English, Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese. The measures on promotion of racial equality drawn up by ISD, and the statistics on interpretation and translation services arranged are available here.

Welcome to the website of the Information Services Department. We are the government½Ês public relations and advertising agency, publisher and news organisation, media advisor and research unit. We are also responsible for government design and display services, as well as film and photography.

We disseminate news and information through a wide variety of channels, including print and the electronic media, the Internet and social media, as well as press conferences and briefings. All major speeches, press releases, photos and video clips are issued to the media, and the public, via the department½Ês website, which also maintains a media archive. In addition, major government press conferences and significant events are broadcast live on the department's website, with a video archive uploaded onto the website the same day as the broadcast.

Our mission is to enhance public understanding of government policies, decisions and activities. Working closely with the government½Ês offices outside Hong Kong, we support senior officials½Ê visit to promote Hong Kong in Mainland China and around the world. We also support the government's communications work of telling China stories well and telling Hong Kong stories well.

Major functions of ISD are listed below.
News Agency
Public Relations Advisor
Marketer & Promoter

* Contents are only available in English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.



Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme
Level Double-A conformance, W3C WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0