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     Since there are some non-Chinese speakers attending the forum, please allow me to briefly summarise my speech in English.

     The Chief Executive stated in the 2023 Policy Address, we would develop Hong Kong into an international education hub and cultivate talent for future development. With the immense opportunities ahead, university leaders must work together to strengthen institutional governance to better fulfil their missions and achieve this goal together. To this end, I call on everyone to support us from three aspects: continuously improving the governance system, optimising governance capabilities and enhancing governance efficacy.

     First, continuously improving the governance system. Article 137 of the Basic Law states that educational institutions of all kinds may retain their autonomy and enjoy academic freedom. Institutional autonomy is built on trust, which is based on responsibility embodied in governance. Since the UGC published the Sutherland Report, the universities' legislative amendments have all been passed to reform their council composition. Launched in 2019, the University Accountability Agreement (UAA) was renewed in 2022. Both instances mark our key milestones in governance system enhancement. Looking forward, university councils must continue to review, consolidate, enhance, and reform their institutional governance frameworks to ensure effective governance and respond to evolving societal expectations.

     Second, optimising governance capabilities, it depends on leadership and teamwork to achieve synergy. University councils are statutory governance bodies with leadership roles and responsibilities. University council members must have a strong sense of commitment and be visionary in discharging their important roles. Members of university leadership teams should also clearly delineate their respective responsibilities and show mutual respect to other members, demonstrating a strong sense of solidarity and embrace diversity when working together.

     Third, enhancing governance efficacy, the UGC-funded universities receive a huge amount of public funding every year with recurrent funding of over $63 billion in the current triennium. It is thus imperative for the universities to put in place an efficient and accountable system to ensure effective use of resources in teaching, research and fulfillment of social responsibilities. In this regard, UGC has contributed tremendously through introducing the UAA, which is our key instrument that connects performance, accountability and funding. In essence, good governance implies embodying the spirit of accountability.

     In closing, let us be fully aware of the significant role that our higher education sector may play in realising national strategies and local policies. All in all, with their exemplary international recognition and academic achievements, we should treasure the UGC-funded universities and devote ourselves to their continual success. I look forward to the staunch support from all of you in striving for good institutional governance, thereby propelling Hong Kong's development as we advance from stability to prosperity. Once again, may I thank the UGC for organising this meaningful event today, and I wish you all a fruitful afternoon.
