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Closing speech by SLW at NLPRA Mental Health Symposium
     Following is the closing speech by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Chris Sun, at the Mental Health Symposium organised by the New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (NLPRA) this evening (March 17):

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     Ladies and gentlemen, I am very pleased to meet you all at the closing ceremony of the Mental Health Symposium, and I am really glad to welcome you and say hello, especially to those who travelled from abroad, quarantine-free and most important of all, mask-off.
     Let me first of all congratulate the New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association on hosting this Symposium with great success. Surely the discussions over the past three days underlined the importance of mental health transformation for the holistic well-being of all in the community. With distinguished speakers including government officials, local and overseas academics, and leaders of supporting organisations and participants from the related fields, the exchanges and sharing in the past three days I am sure have been most fruitful. I am honoured to be invited to share with you all the future about mental health in Hong Kong. Before looking into the future, let me review the past development of mental health in Hong Kong and where we are now. For this part, I am going to do it in our mother tongue, Cantonese.






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Ends/Friday, March 17, 2023
Issued at HKT 23:12
Today's Press Releases