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EAC Chairman chairs first meeting of Crisis Management Committee
The following is issued on behalf of the Electoral Affairs Commission:
     The Chairman of the Electoral Affairs Commission (EAC), Mr Justice Barnabas Fung Wah, chaired the first meeting of the Crisis Management Committee (CMC) this afternoon (May 4). The EAC is working with different bureaux and departments in preparation for the 2022 Chief Executive (CE) Election, drawing up security and crisis management plans to deal with different circumstances that may arise during the election to be held on May 8 (Sunday).
@กกกMr Justice Fung said in the meeting, "Given the epidemic situation and to reduce the flow of people at the main polling station, the polling hours will be extended to two and a half hours, which are from 9am to 11.30am. A suggested time slot has been assigned to the Election Committee (EC) members, according to the five EC sectors to which they belong, to vote at the main polling station. The Registration and Electoral Office (REO) has delivered to each EC member a polling notice and other electoral documents (including the Introduction to the Candidate and the location map of the main polling station). The mail also included an EC member name badge."
     An EC member name badge carries the EC member's name and photo, and his or her exclusive QR code for identification. Every name badge also has a laser sticker affixed to prevent counterfeiting. The EC members should bring along the name badge to enter the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC). Every entrant (including the EC members) to the HKCEC has to go through a simple security check.
     In addition, in light of COVID-19, the REO will implement a number of anti-epidemic measures in the polling and counting stations, including a fever detection system installed at multiple entrances of the HKCEC, where the main polling station is located, to conduct temperature checks on those who arrive at the main polling station. EC members with a fever will be directed by polling staff to special voting compartments to vote.
     Mr Justice Fung pointed out that the CMC will assist the EAC to closely monitor the situation on the polling day and will handle situations in which the election is affected by different incidents. During the meeting, the EAC was briefed by representatives from the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau and relevant government departments, including the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer and the Hong Kong Police Force, on the assessment of different situations and deployment planned for the polling day. The REO, the Home Affairs Department, the Information Services Department, the Department of Justice, the Food and Health Bureau and the Department of Health also briefed the meeting on the preparatory and co-ordination work regarding the election.
     The EAC thanked all the bureaux and departments for their efforts in the preparations and arrangements for the election, and said that today's meeting helped it to get better prepared and formulate contingency plans for the CE Election to be held on May 8.
     The CMC is part of the contingency mechanism for public elections. The CMC advises the EAC on matters that may affect the proceedings of the elections, such as inclement weather and issues of public health and safety. The Committee is chaired by the EAC Chairman, and comprises all EAC members, the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs (or his representative) and representatives of relevant bureaux/departments.
Ends/Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Issued at HKT 15:55
Today's Press Releases