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Youth Development Commission holds policy thematic meeting on youth employment (with photos)
     ýÿThe Youth Development Commission (YDC) held a policy thematic meeting on youth employment today (August 21) via Facebook live webcast. 

     The Chief Secretary for Administration and Chairman of the YDC, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, attended the session, with the Vice-chairman of the YDC, Mr Lau Ming-wai, acting as moderator. Speakers who participated in the discussion included the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Dr Law Chi-kwong, Deputy Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Brian Lo, Chief Executive Officer of AS Watson (Asia & Europe), Ms Malina Ngai Man-lin, and Chief Executive Officer of Generation Hong Kong, Mr Brian Cheng Ho-wai. 

     Mr Cheung said at the meeting that although the overall unemployment rate of Hong Kong had edged down slightly from 6.2% in April – June to 6.1% in May – July, the unemployment situation among young people remained highly difficult. The Government has introduced targeted job creation measures under the Anti-epidemic Fund, including the creation of many vacancies suitable for young people. 

     He hoped that the meeting would strengthen collaboration among relevant policy bureaux and stakeholders, enabling them to listen to the views of young people and conduct an in-depth discussion on how to further assist their employment, thereby responding to their needs more effectively.

     The discussion was divided into three sessions. Video clips of interviews with job-seeking youth and relevant stakeholders were shown to enable a focused discussion. Participants were concerned about youth employment issues and provided valuable comments on how to further assist youth employment from various aspects. They also listened to the views of young people and responded to live comments raised by online audience.

     Mr Cheung stressed that apart from relying on the Government, the vast private sector would be an even more significant source of job opportunities. He appealed to the business sector and private enterprises to actively employ Hong Kong young people, including university graduates, and provide them with development and upward mobility opportunities. 

     He remarked that, to cater for the needs of secondary school leavers of this year, the Government would allocate additional resources to enhance the Funding Scheme for Youth Life Planning Activities, with a view to strengthening collaboration with non-governmental organisations to provide enhanced personal counselling support services to young people. The Labour Department will also allocate more resources to provide a retention allowance of up to $12,000 to young people participating in the Youth Employment and Training Programme, with a view to encouraging them to undergo and complete on-the-job training, thereby stabilising employment. 
     The public may visit the Facebook page of the YDC to view the recorded meeting.
Ends/Friday, August 21, 2020
Issued at HKT 21:36
Today's Press Releases  


The Chief Secretary for Administration and Chairman of the Youth Development Commission (YDC), Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (centre), attended the YDC policy thematic meeting on youth employment today (August 21), with the Vice-chairman of the YDC, Mr Lau Ming-wai (first right), acting as moderator. Speakers who participated in the discussion included the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Dr Law Chi-kwong (second left), Deputy Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Brian Lo (second right) , Chief Executive Officer of AS Watson (Asia & Europe), Ms Malina Ngai Man-lin (third right), and Chief Executive Officer of Generation Hong Kong, Mr Brian Cheng Ho-wai (third left).
The Youth Development Commission (YDC) held a policy thematic meeting on youth employment today (August 21) via Facebook live webcast. Photo shows the Chief Secretary for Administration and Chairman of the Youth Development Commission (YDC), Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (centre) exchanging views on youth employment with online audience and other participants of the meeting.