
qշǦ澢ϥ»ҴMr Streeter]˷ϯѺJeff Streeter^ᬣ緾̺ƲΡϾػΡػη

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     May I now say a few words in English. I am pleased to be here today at the opening ceremony of the 2018 China-UK Humanities Annual Forum, and I would like to welcome distinguished representatives of the universities of the Mainland of China and the United Kingdom for joining us. China and the United Kingdom are both countries with solid cultural foundations. This Annual Forum organised by the China-UK Humanities Alliance for Higher Education, members of which are all top-notch universities of the two countries, will foster exchanges on humanities and culture between the two countries and their peoples.  Hong Kong is honoured to be the host of this year's Forum, and I wish the Forum every success. I also wish all our guests from the Mainland and the United Kingdom a pleasant stay in Hong Kong. Thank you.