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SCIT speaks on Youth Ambassador Scheme

    Following is the transcript of the Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology, Mr Joseph W P Wong, speaking to the media after attending the "Youth Ambassador Against Internet Piracy Scheme" and "I Pledge" Campaign launching ceremony this (July 19) afternoon: (English portion)

Reporter: Why are kids recruited into this programme?

SCIT: This is the first of its kind in the world where the Government and the Customs co-operate with 11 disciplined youth groups to do two things. The first thing is to pledge that they would not buy fakes, would not illegally upload or download all these software ¡ª video, music and songs without the permission of the copyright owners. This is part of the education and promotion programme which we have been doing for quite some time because we believe that apart from enforcing the law, it is also very important to gradually change the culture and the mindset of our young people to realise that illegal uploading and downloading is piracy. It is simply shoplifting and is wrong, never mind whether it is criminal or not. This is the first thing we want to convey.

     Most of the kids watch Internet everyday. So, the second thing is that if they spot any illegal activities, just like any other people in the streets if they spot any illegal activities, maybe they should consider whether they should report it to our law enforcement agency so that our law enforcement agency could take action. So, through their own pledge, through their action, I hope it would be able to spread the message that it is wrong to do these things. It is right to report crime as they will do if they witness a crime happening in the street. It is part of our ongoing, intensified programme to tackle Internet piracy which is a problem faced by Hong Kong and faced by all the countries all over the world. It is the first of its kind in the world. We hope it will achieve some results.

Reporter: Some people are saying that .... during the Cultural Revolution?

SCIT: Nonsense. As I say, first of all, it is of course wrong to illegally upload or download. It is a problem faced by all the countries, something we should do about it. This is the first point. The second point is, as I mentioned, I believe it is right that for people of all ages, if they see something which is clearly, blatantly wrong, which is a crime, of course they should report it to the law enforcement agency.

Reporter: Is it a kind of child-spy....

SCIT: It is not child-spy. What do you mean by child-spy? I don't understand. Do you mean that there are countries, places which do not advise people to report crime if they witness a crime.

Reporter: What is the Government's next step in fighting against piracy?

SCIT: The next step is to launch a consultation paper before the end of the year, which will survey the latest policies and practices elsewhere. It will try to propose options to see whether or not the law enforcement aspect can be strengthened, to identify areas for further consideration, such as whether or not the service providers could help Government more in enforcing the law, what more assistance the Government can give to those intellectual property owners to take civil action against infringements of intellectual property rights. And maybe, the very controversial question of whether or not we should increase the sanction against illegal downloading for personal use which presently only attracts civil liability.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript)

Ends/Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:38