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LCQ3: Cheung Sha Wan Temporary Wholesale Poultry Market

    Following is a question by the Hon Vincent Fong and a reply by the Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, Dr York Chow, in the Legislative Council today (July 12):


     The Government has indicated that it will implement central slaughtering of live poultry in 2009.  By then, the existing live poultry wholesale market will lose its original functions.  In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(a)  of the use of the present site of the Cheung Sha Wan Temporary Wholesale Poultry Market after the stoppage of the wholesale of live poultry, and whether it will conduct any consultation on the use of the resumed land; and

(b)  whether it will consider giving preference to using the site as a wholesale market of other foods, such as fresh fruit; if not, whether the site will be converted for residential use, like the areas in the vicinity?


Madam President,

(a)  In view of the recent emergence of avian influenza cases around the world and with the outbreak no longer confined to winter, there is an increasing risk of human infection of avian influenza.  Therefore, we need to formulate long-term measures to prevent outbreak of avian influenza.  Past experience has shown that humans were infected with avian influenza virus mainly through contact with live poultry or their faeces.  Therefore, it has always been our long-term policy objective to achieve "human-poultry segregation".

     To accomplish this policy objective, we have proposed to develop a poultry slaughtering plant in Sheung Shui and consulted the Legislative Council Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene, North District Council, the New Territories Heung Yee Kuk and the live poultry trade about the proposal.  We are now carefully studying the views collected and will continue to liaise closely with the organisations or parties concerned in the planning process.

     As the project involves massive preparation work, we expect that the plant will only commence operation in 2009 at the earliest.  When the plant comes on line, all live poultry retail activities will be banned.  Given that all live poultry from local or Mainland farms will be transported directly to the poultry slaughtering plant, there will not be any live poultry wholesale activities in the plant in order to enhance effective management.  Therefore, wholesale market would no longer constitute a part in the poultry supply chain in future.

     As there is still a long time before the poultry slaughtering plant would commence operation, we have not yet drawn up any plan on the future use of the present site of the Cheung Sha Wan Temporary Wholesale Poultry Market (CSWTWPM).

     The CSWTWPM is located on both sides of Hing Wah Street. (See Annex).  The part on the northwestern side of Hing Wah Street has already been zoned for long term development as "Open Space" and "Government, Institution or Community" in draft Cheung Sha Wan Outline Zoning Plan (draft OZP) in 1998 while the part on the southeast side of Hing Wah Street is designated as "Residential (Group A)".  If the future development of the site involves amendment to the draft OZP, the department concerned would consult the public under the Town Planning Ordinance.  

(b)  According to the usual procedures, the public works department involved would undertake feasibility study, including environmental impact and traffic impact assessments, to ascertain whether the site is suitable for a particular public works project.  Our experience shows that the operation of a wholesale food market would generate considerable noise and additional traffic in the neighbourhood.  As such, any new fresh food wholesale facilities should be located away from densely populated area.  As such, the present site of the CSWTWPM is not an ideal location for the development of a new wholesale food market, given the development of residential buildings in a nearby site.

     There is no concrete plan for the site at present.  As noted in the part (a) of the substantive reply, part of the present site of the CSWTWPM has already been zoned for residential development.

Ends/Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Issued at HKT 14:15