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LCQ12: Telephone booking system for general out-patient clinics

    Following is a question by the Hon Fernando Cheung and a written reply by the Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, Dr York Chow, in the Legislative Council today (July 12):


     The Hospital Authority (HA) implemented a pilot telephone booking system in five general out-patient clinics (GOPCs) in Hong Kong East in November last year.  Patients with episodic illnesses may book appointments by telephone for consultation and treatment on the same day or the next day.  The system was extended to the remaining seven GOPCs on Hong Kong Island in January this year.  In this connection, will the Government inform this Council whether it knows:

(a)  the number of persons who have made use of the telephone booking system and obtained discs for consultation so far, and
(i)  a breakdown of this number by age groups (above 60, 45-60, below 45) and their respective percentages; and
(ii)  the percentage of this number in the total number of persons who have obtained discs in the same period;

(b)  the respective current numbers of discs reserved daily, by each clinic involved in the pilot system for patients who use the telephone booking system and for those who come in person, and the respective average daily numbers of patients who use the telephone booking system and those who come in person, but are not given discs;

(c)  the detailed results of the assessment of the pilot system, including whether there is no recurrence of the situation in which patients queue in person for discs in the small hours; and

(d)  when HA plans to extend the telephone booking system to the other GOPCs under its management?


Madam President,

(a)  According to the statistical data of the Hospital Authority (HA), the average usage rate of the telephone booking system is close to 50% since its trial implementation at 12 general out-patient clinics (GOPCs) on Hong Kong Island in January this year, and in terms of percentage, people of different age groups who have used this system are on the rise.  Take the number of people who have used the booking service in February and June this year as an example, the statistical data on the use of the service for these two months are as shown in the Table.

(b)  For patients with episodic illnesses, the HA does not set aside separate consultation slots for those who make appointment bookings by telephone and those coming to the clinics in person.  The same pool of consultation slots are allocated concurrently to them on a first come (or first call), first served basis.  The computer system of the telephone booking service can automatically search and arrange an available slot in another clinic within the same district if all the consultation slots of a certain clinic have been allocated.  The HA also displays in all clinics the number of slots available in other clinic(s) within the same district. This can help those patients who come to the clinic in person to arrange for a consultation appointment as quickly as possible.  Since the implementation of the above measures, the daily number of turn-away patients due to insufficient slots per clinic has been reduced to around 2 to 10 persons.

(c) & (d)  The HA found that the telephone booking system, after rolled out on a trial basis at GOPCs on Hong Kong Island for more than six months, has been generally well and positively received by the public.  Long waiting queues outside those clinics are now a rare scene.  HA plans to fully implement the telephone booking system at all GOPCs in Kowloon and the New Territories in the second half of 2006.  Specifically, the service will be introduced to the 15 GOPCs in the New Territories in October and the remaining GOPCs in Kowloon thereafter.  The HA will sustain its efforts to publicise the operation of the telephone booking system and how to use the service.  Appropriate instructions and other arrangements will also be made to the elderly patients and the disabled, such as through publicity efforts in out-patient clinics and elderly centres, to facilitate a wider use of this new booking service among them and other members of the public.

Ends/Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Issued at HKT 13:04