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Multi-dimensional strategy to eliminate domestic violence (with photo)

The following is issued on behalf of the Women's Commission:

     The Chairperson of the WomenĄŻs Commission (WoC), Mrs Sophie Leung, today (January 12)announced a multi-dimensional strategy to eliminate domestic violence as contained in the WoC Report on "Women's Safety in Hong Kong : Eliminating Domestic Violence", and called on the community to collaborate and make Hong Kong a safer and more harmonious place for all.

     "Domestic violence against women is very far from being only a private matter. When a woman is abused, her entire family, including children, suffer. This in turn holds very grave implications for society as a whole," Mrs Leung said.

     With growing public concerns over domestic violence, WoC as the central mechanism of women's affairs has responded to these concerns positively and taken the initiative to conduct an interactive and dynamic process with all stakeholders, where gaps in the existing systems are identified and pertinent questions and initiatives discussed. WoC has met more than 50 organisations during the process.

     To address domestic violence, WoC has chosen the World Health Organisation (WHO) approach, using a co-ordinated community intervention model. After adaptation to local situations, WoC has recommended five key approaches - women's empowerment; prevention, education and community support; early identification and intervention; criminal justice responses; and research, data-sharing and dissemination of findings.

     Also speaking at the press conference, the co-convenors of WoC Working Group on Safety, Professor Fanny Cheung and Ms Margaret Wong urged all stakeholders to take a more proactive approach to domestic violence.

     Among others, WoC would promote multi-disciplinary co-operation in tackling domestic violence, and advocate gender awareness, gender equality and mutual respect and involving men in the process.

     WoC also advocates policy, service and legal changes. It has put forward 21 recommendations, covering law reform; services; publicity; professional knowledge-sharing, documentation and research; hospitals, health and medical sectors; gender mainstreaming and gender-related training; early identification and intervention; and community networking.

     "This is only the beginning of a lengthy process. We certainly look forward to working with our partners, stakeholders, and the whole community to take the next step together, joining us in heart and mind," Mrs Leung said.

     Looking ahead, WoC would facilitate a mobilisation of stakeholders and the wider community to set up an integrated long term evaluating and monitoring mechanism based on international best practice models.

     "WoC has chosen 'Together We Build a Harmonious Community' as its theme for the next five years. The surest foundation of this harmonious community is harmonious family. We appeal to all stakeholders and everyone  to partner strategically with us. Together we can play a vital role in making Hong Kong safer for women and for everyone, both at home and in the community at large," Mrs Leung said.

     The full report (in English) and an executive summary (in Chinese) are  made available on the WoCĄŻs website ( for public information. The Chinese full report will be uploaded shortly.

Ends/Thursday, January 12, 2006
Issued at HKT 14:15


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