Press Release
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* Submission of views on mandatory building inspection scheme urged
* New measures to reduce teachers' workload
* Appeal for information on missing man (with photo)
* HK and Shenzhen Customs jointly smash cross-boundary drugs syndicate (with photo)
* LCQ6: Progress of the waste recovery and recycling programmes
* Two sets of Town Planning Board Guidelines revised
* Five employers ordered to pay MPF
* Woman charged with infanticide
* Network Appliance opens regional headquarters in Hong Kong (with photo)
* Jingkun Theatre and Shangdong Peking Opera Theatre performance cancelled
* Insider Dealing Tribunal makes order on Gilbert Holdings Limited case
* LC: Committee Stage Amendments of Civil Aviation (Amendment) Bill 2005
* LCQ19: CSD follows established procedures to handle agitated or violence-prone inmates
* LC: Third reading of Civil Aviation (Amendment) Bill 2005
* LC: Resumption of second reading debate of Civil Aviation (Amendment) Bill 2005
* Effective Exchange Rate Index
* Results of Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (1st round) announced
* Dengue fever update
* LCQ18: Registered Chinese medicine practitioners
* LCQ15: Monitoring provision of influenza vaccines
* LCQ16: Lunar New Year Fair stalls
* LCQ13: Premises covered by liquor licence with bar endorsement
* LCQ12: Shellfish and fisheries products from aquaculture farms
* LCQ5: Enforcement of the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance
* LCQ2: Obstetris services provided by Tuen Mun Hospital
* LCQ3: Sanitary fitments in male toilets and female toilets
* LCQ7: Resource allocation of Hospital Authority
* LCQ4: Discussion on drawing up of new water supply agreement
* LCQ14: Acoustics of LCSD performance venues
* LCQ10: Land filling activities undertaken on agricultural land
* LCQ9: DC members serving on advisory and statutory bodies
* LCQ8: Land Titles Bill
* LCQ17: Expenditure and claims relating to Airport Core Programme projects
* LCQ20: Paid Maternity leave
* LCQ1: Fees and charges of MPF funds
* LCQ11: Travel Agent Services Policy
* Record year for investment promotion in Hong Kong (With photo)
* Traffic arrangements for race meeting in Happy Valley

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