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LCQ17: Expenditure and claims relating to Airport Core Programme projects

    Following is a question by the Hon Albert Chan and a written reply by the Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works, Dr Sarah Liao, at the Legislative Council meeting today (January 11) :


     Regarding the expenditure and claims relating to the 10 Airport Core Programme projects, will the Government inform this Council of the following as at the end of last month:

(a)  the total expenditure of each project and the difference between this figure and the estimated expenditure originally approved; and

(b)  the numbers and amounts of the relevant claims received respectively by the Administration, the Airport Authority and the MTR Corporation Limited, together with a breakdown of resolved and unresolved claims?


Madam President,

(a)  The total expenditure for all government projects under the Airport Core Programme (ACP) on a net basis (i.e. after adjustment for the reimbursable Airport Railway works and Airport works), as at the end of 2005 was $48,004 million which is $1,604 million less than the published estimated expenditure of $49,608 million. All funding and expenditure are in money-of-the-day prices.  There is no over-spending in respect of the government ACP projects.

     The Airport Authority (AA) had expended $49,325 million on the New Airport Projects as at the end of 2005. This is $462 million less than the published estimated expenditure of $49,787 million and there is no over-spending.

     The Mass Transit Railway Corporation Limited (MTRCL) had expended $33,477 million on the Airport Railway project as at the end of 2005.  This is $523 million less than the published estimated expenditure of $34,000 million and there is no over-spending.

(b)  A total of 6,148 claims against construction contracts awarded for government projects under the ACP were received.  All cases have been settled at a combined settlement amount of $2,150 million.  This sum has been included in the total expenditure of $48,004 million for the above government projects.

     The AA has received a total of 12,120 claims against the construction contracts awarded by it.  All cases were settled at a combined settlement amount of $5,622 million.  This sum has been included in the total expenditure of $49,325 million for the above New Airport Projects.  There was no extra expenditure after the 2003/04 fiscal year.

     The MTRCL has received a total of 8,687 claims against the construction contracts awarded by it.  All cases have been settled at a combined settlement amount of $3,399 million.  This sum has been included in the total expenditure of $33,477 million for the above Airport Railway Project.

Ends/Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Issued at HKT 12:13


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