Public Relations Outside HK
(A) Overseas Public Relations Sub-division

The Overseas Public Relations Sub-division promotes Hong Kong globally, working closely with government’s offices overseas, on the Mainland and in Taiwan. The Sub-division liaises closely with foreign media organisations based in Hong Kong, handles press enquiries, provides news and information, arranges press briefings and interviews, as well as providing speech writing and editing services. It also runs a visit programme for visiting journalists and monitors reports on Hong Kong by media outside Hong Kong. In addition, it co-ordinates and implements publicity projects to tie in with senior officials’ outbound visits.

(B) Information and Public Relations Units Outside Hong Kong

Information Units in government offices outside Hong Kong provide news and information to the public and media in the local area. They also arrange press briefings and interviews, produce newsletters about the latest developments in Hong Kong, and stage various promotional activities to promote the advantages of Hong Kong.

(C) Visits Sub-division

The Visits Sub-division runs the department's Sponsored Visitors Programme, which targets opinion-formers and decision-makers around the world for visits to Hong Kong as guests of the government, with a view to promoting a favourable image of the city. These visitors include government and political leaders, academics and think-tank members, as well as leading figures in the business and financial sectors. The Sub-division also arranges visit programmes for other non-sponsored VIPs coming to Hong Kong as well as rendering support services in relation to outbound visits by senior government officials.


(D) Brand Hong Kong Management Unit

The Brand Hong Kong Management Unit (BMU) is responsible for the Brand Hong Kong programme which promotes Hong Kong as Asia's world city locally and around the world.


Besides developing advertising campaigns and publicity materials, the BMU supports the publicity efforts of Hong Kong Government offices worldwide and works with organisers of major and international sports, cultural and entertainment events hosted by Hong Kong to promote the city’s favourable image.






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