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Kwong Wah Hospital continues to take care of Constable Chu Chun-kwok

    In response to media enquiries, the spokesman of Kwong Wah Hospital (KWH) gave the following reply today (April 11) :

     Professor Ling Feng came to KWH last night (April 10) to exchange expert opinion and views with Chief of Service (Neurosurgery) of KWH Dr John Kwok who is the attending doctor of Constable Chu Chun-kwok.  Professor Ling later visited Mr Chu and she was further briefed on his clinical condition.  She did not believe there was any imminent need to transfer Mr Chu to Beijing for treatment.

     In conclusion, she drew up a proposal of combined Chinese-Western Medicine treatment for Mr Chu.  On Chinese medicine, Professor Ling suggested arrangements of massaging, extension of acupuncture sessions and trial on Chinese herbal medicine.  On Western medicine, she suggested the continuation of muscle relaxant injection, trial on oral feeding and consideration of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment.

     The hospital thanked Professor Ling for her expert advice on Mr Chu﷿s case and would study her suggestions for follow up.  KWH will keep in contact with Professor Ling on Mr Chu﷿s progress.  On the requirement of registration for clinical practice in Hong Kong, we would like to reiterate that Professor Ling has not performed any clinical practice or treatment at KWH.  Therefore the registration for clinical practice is not necessary.  However, as a preparatory step, KWH yesterday applied for a Temporary Registration from the Medical Council for Professor Ling.

Ends/Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Issued at HKT 19:31