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LCQ13: Wood waste recycling

     Following is a question by the Hon Dr Helena Wong and a written reply by the Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing, in the Legislative Council today (April 17):


     According to the "Monitoring of Solid Waste in Hong Kong" reports published by the Environmental Protection Department, the average daily quantities of wood/rattan waste from 2007 to 2011 were 344, 407, 326, 295 and 318 tonnes respectively.  In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(a) whether it has studied the respective causes for the quantity of wood/rattan waste in 2008 being higher than that in 2007, and the quantity of such waste in 2011 being higher than that in 2010;

(b) whether it has studied the causes for the downward trend in the quantity of wood/rattan waste from 2008 to 2010;

(c) of a breakdown by source of the average daily quantity of wood/rattan waste disposed of, and their percentages in the average daily total quantity, in each year from 2007 to 2012, set out in the table in Annex 1;

(d) of a breakdown, by way of treatment, of the average daily quantity of wood/rattan waste, and their percentages in the average daily total quantity, in each year from 2007 to 2012, set out in the table in Annex 2; and

(e) whether the authorities have launched any programmes to encourage members of the public and the industrial and commercial sectors to carry out separation, recovery and recycling of wood waste in the past three years; if so, set out such programmes and their effectiveness by year; if not, of the reasons for that?



(a) & (b) Over the past few years, the average daily quantities of wood/rattan waste among municipal solid waste disposed of were generally within the range of 300 to 400 tonnes.  We detected no significant upward or downward trend or causes of fluctuation.

(c) We do not have a breakdown by source of wood/rattan waste disposed of.

(d) A breakdown of the quantities of wood/rattan waste disposed of and wood waste recovered for recycling in each year is set out in the table in Annex 3.

(e) Due to low value of wood waste and high transportation cost of recovering wood waste, there is no active wood waste recycling industry in Hong Kong.  At present, there are a small number of crate manufacturers and recyclers, including one recycler operating at the EcoPark, Tuen Mun, who refurbish old crates for reuse or shred wood waste into wood chips for export for further recycling operation.  In order to promote the wood waste recycling activity in Hong Kong, the Environmental Protection Department has been actively liaising with wood waste producers and collectors, including government departments, to encourage their delivery of wood waste direct to the EcoPark or other suitable recyclers for processing.

     Moreover, the Authority has drawn up a technical memorandum requiring all contractors for the public works projects to prepare waste management plans, with an aim to minimise and recycle construction waste, including wood waste, so as to relieve the pressure on landfills.

Ends/Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Issued at HKT 13:51


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