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Bunker Oil Pollution (Liability and Compensation) Bill to be gazetted on Friday

     The Government will publish the Bunker Oil Pollution (Liability and Compensation) Bill in the Gazette on Friday (June 12).  The purpose of the bill is to implement the International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001 (the Bunker Oil Convention) in Hong Kong.

     A spokesman for the Transport and Housing Bureau said today (June 10) that the implementation of the Bunker Oil Convention would reinforce Hong Kong's status as an international maritime centre.

     "Through the implementation of the Bunker Oil Convention, Hong Kong will have a compensation regime for pollution damage caused by discharge or escape of bunker oil from non-tankers on par with that of most overseas jurisdictions.  It will ensure the payment of adequate, prompt and effective compensation for bunker oil pollution damage," he said.

     Under the bill, the liability of the owners of non-tankers will be determined according to a set of uniform international rules and procedures and be subject to a specified limit.  The bill also proposes a compulsory insurance requirement for ships with a gross tonnage of more than 1,000.  

     In line with international practice, local vessels operating exclusively within the river trade limits are also liable for pollution damage under the bill.  However, taking into account that there are very few bunker oil pollution incidents involving local vessels and the extent of damage is relatively minor, they are exempted from the compulsory insurance requirement.

     "The proposed legislation poses no additional compliance cost to shipowners as ships engaged in international voyages are subject to the same international requirements in other parts of the world," the spokesman said.

     The shipping industry has been consulted and is in support of the bill.

     The bill will be introduced into the Legislative Council on June 24.

Ends/Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Issued at HKT 17:28


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