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CS meets the media after Hong Kong Olympic Equestrian Venue Completion Handover Ceremony (with video)

Following is the transcript (English portion) of remarks by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Henry Tang, after officiating at the Hong Kong Olympic Equestrian Venue Completion Handover Ceremony this afternoon (May 26):

Chief Secretary for Administration: Ladies and gentlemen, I am very pleased today to attend the formal handover ceremony of the equestrian venue. This has been a tremendous, great effort in the battle against both time and the elements.

    In battling against time, we have managed to set up this world-class facility in eight months for the test event. The event went off well but we are going to take advantage of every single minute from now on until the actual equestrian events to make it even better. We are very pleased that there will be five Hong Kong competitors in the Olympics and in the Paralympics (equestrian events); we are very pleased that the national team will have six competitors. This is a breakthrough for the national team. This is the first time that the Chinese national team has qualified in the equestrian events, so we are very pleased to see and very proud to be able to compete against the worldĄŻs best. We look forward to a great competition come the Olympics and the Paralympics.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript)

Ends/Monday, May 26, 2008
Issued at HKT 18:34


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