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Hong Kong East Cluster announces investigation report on Cheshire Home patient complaint

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

    The Hong Kong East Cluster spokesperson made the following announcement today (May 23):

    Regarding the various forms of inhuman treatment Mr Choi Wan Fung, a resident in Cheshire Home, Chung Hom Kok (hereafter referred to as ¡°CCH¡±), claimed on one Hong Kong radio programme to have received in CCH on April 8, 2008, the Investigation Panel appointed by the Hong Kong East Cluster had finished the investigation. Mr Choi has also been informed of the investigation result. 

    The four-member Panel was headed by Cluster Service Director (Quality & Risk Management), Hong Kong East Cluster, Hong Kong Hospital Authority Dr Tang Chung Ngai, with members Member, Hospital Governing Committee, CCH Dr Wong Chun Por; Member, Public Complaints Committee, Hong Kong Hospital Authority and patient group representative Ms Sandra Chow, and Cluster General Manager (Nursing), Hong Kong East Cluster, Hong Kong Hospital Authority Ms Civy Leung.

    The four-week investigation includes review of relevant documents of CCH and Mr Choi¡¯s records, field visit and assessment to CCH and interview of 32 people (the complainant, eight current residents, 12 staff members including the hospital management, alleged staff members and the care team, and 11 residents, ex-residents and relatives who volunteered to assist the investigation after public appeal by the panel). Based on all the evidence and investigation results, the panel found that the allegations by Mr Choi Wan Fung were not substantiated.

    Although the allegations are not substantiated, the panel recommends the following improvement measures:

1. While the panel acknowledges that improvement measures had been duly implemented on the laundry service, some outdated facilities such as the hot water supply system cannot keep pace with increasing service demand. The Hospital Management is recommended to provide additional wall-mounted heaters in the bathrooms in the interim and consider enhancing the existing hot water supply system.

2. Regarding the service rendered by the Health Care Assistants, the panel found that based on the feedback from residents and relatives interviewed, staff attitude is generally good and service is rendered with care. The panel recommends that continuing training in manual handling techniques of persons with severe disabilities is of benefit to residents, and conducive towards a consistently high level of care.

3. The panel confirms that a reasonable complaint management system is in place in CCH and is in line with the policy of the Hospital Authority.  During Mr Choi¡¯s nine-year stay in CCH, he had lodged complaints through both internal and external channels. His complaints had been dealt with appropriately and escalated to the Hospital Management and the Hospital Governing Committee for investigation. Appropriate response has been given and follow-up actions have been completed. The panel recommends the Hospital Management consider improvement to address the perception of ¡°conflict of roles and interests¡± caused by the current arrangement of a ward manager to perform the Patient Relation Officer in complaint management.

    The Hong Kong East Cluster Chief Executive accepts the recommendations made by the panel and CCH Hospital Governing Committee also welcomes and accepts the recommendations made. The investigation report has already been submitted to Hospital Authority Head Office. 

    With the assistance from CCH and different parties, Mr Choi was discharged on May 15, to continue living in the community.

Ends/Friday, May 23, 2008
Issued at HKT 19:02


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