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Five broadband internet service providers publish performance statistics

    Five major broadband internet service providers (ISPs) have made a significant step in enhancing the transparency of their service performance by publishing their first batch of performance statistics against their services pledges for the first quarter of 2008 (three-month period ending March 31). 

    This is one of the major joint initiatives of the industry and the Office of the Telecommunications Authority (OFTA) in further enhancing the quality of customer service of the internet service industry.  The five ISPs who have published the service performance statistics are Hong Kong Broadband Network Limited (HKBN), Hutchison Global Communications Limited (HGC), New World Telecommunications Limited (NWT), PCCW IMS Limited (PCCW-IMS) and Hong Kong Cable Television Limited (HKCTV).

    "We are pleased to see that the performance statistics of the broadband ISPs are available to the public on schedule.  The published information covers network reliability, service restoration time, technical performance, customer hotline performance and customer complaint handling," an OFTA spokesman said.  "With the availability of the information, consumers will be able to make better-informed purchasing choices based on their own needs. We believe the initiative will encourage the ISPs to further boost their service quality, help enhance the level of customer satisfaction, and enable consumers to monitor the service performance of the ISPs on a continuous basis. The ISPs will update the performance information quarterly in future."

    The performance statistics are now available on the respective websites of the five broadband ISPs as follows for public access:

* HGC:
* NWT:

    Hyperlinks to the above web sites are also provided in OFTA website for easy access:

Ends/Sunday, April 27, 2008
Issued at HKT 10:00


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