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Nominations open for Best Landscape Award 2008

    To sustain the betterment of living environment in private properties and promote excellence in greening of public projects by outstanding landscape design and horticultural maintenance, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) will organise the Best Landscape Award 2008 to commend organisations for their good efforts in greening. Free nominations are open until June 30.

    The award is co-organised by the Home Affairs Department, the Buildings Department, the Hong Kong Institute of Architects, the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects, the Institute of Horticulture (Hong Kong), the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, the Professional Green Building Council, and the Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies.

    Projects nominated must be situated within Hong Kong. Any individuals, private firms, Government departments and public organisations may nominate entries for the award. The landscape greening areas of the nominated projects must be accessible by the public and residents.

    The award is presented in five categories. Three of them are for private developments and two for public projects. Details are as follows:

Private Developments:
(1) Large Scale Residential Property (more than 1,000 units)
Class 1: Soft Landscape Design Award
      i)  Properties up to 10 years of age
      ii)  Properties between 11 and 20 years of age
      iii) Properties over 20 years of age
Class 2: Horticultural Maintenance Award
      i)  Properties up to 10 years of age
      ii)  Properties between 11 and 20 years of age
      iii) Properties over 20 years of age

(2) Residential Property (1,000 units or less)
Class 3: Soft Landscape Design Award
      i)  Properties up to 10 years of age
      ii)  Properties between 11 and 20 years of age
      iii) Properties over 20 years of age
Class 4: Horticultural Maintenance Award
      i)  Properties up to 10 years of age
      ii)  Properties between 11 and 20 years of age
      iii) Properties over 20 years of age

(3) Non-residential Property
Class 5: Soft Landscape Design Award
      i)  Properties up to 10 years of age
      ii)  Properties between 11 and 20 years of age
          iii) Properties over 20 years of age
Class 6: Horticultural Maintenance Award
      i)  Properties up to 10 years of age
      ii)  Properties between 11 and 20 years of age
      iii) Properties over 20 years of age

Public Projects:
(4) Infrastructures Category
Class 7: Soft Landscape Design Award
      i)  parks, gardens, public amenity areas
      ii)  roads, bridges, railways, drainage works,
          piers, slopes, reservoirs
Class 8: Horticultural Maintenance Award
      i)  parks, gardens, public amenity areas
      ii)  roads, bridges, railways, drainage works,
          piers, slopes, reservoirs

(5) Buildings Category
Class 9: Soft Landscape Design Award
      i)  residential
      ii)  non-residential
Class 10: Horticultural Maintenance Award
      i)  residential
      ii)  non-residential

    Completed registration forms together with all necessary documents should be sent to the Secretariat, Best Landscape Award 2008, c/o Green Campaign Section, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, 11/F, Leisure and Cultural Services Headquarters, 1-3 Pai Tau Street, Sha Tin, Hong Kong not later than 5pm on June 30.

    Prospectus and registration forms are available at all LCSD District Leisure Services Offices, District Offices of Home Affairs Department, or at the LCSD website

    For enquiries, please call 2601 8974.

Ends/Sunday, April 20, 2008
Issued at HKT 11:01


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