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LCQ19: Retirement and promotion of academic staff in HKU

    Following is a question by the Hon Kwok Ka-ki and a written reply by the Secretary for Education, Mr Michael Suen, in the Legislative Council today (March 12):


    It has been reported that since 2001, the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine ("the Faculty of Medicine") of the University of Hong Kong ("HKU") has renewed its contract with a professor aged over 60 more than once for a total duration of eight years for him to take up the post of Professor in the Department of Surgery, and his current contract will expire next year when he turns 69 years of age.  Regarding the retirement and promotion of academic staff in HKU, will the Government inform this Council whether it knows:

(1) the normal retirement age for academic staff of HKU;

(2) the respective current numbers of academic staff in various departments of HKU who are beyond the above age of retirement but are still retained, the number of times their contracts had been renewed since they reached the retirement age, and the reasons for each of the renewals of their contracts;

(3) whether the Faculty of Medicine of HKU had conducted any open recruitment for the vacancy of the post of Professor in the Department of Surgery, so as to enable younger and qualified academic staff in the Faculty to apply for the post and have the opportunity for promotion; if it had not, the reasons for that;

(4) whether HKU has assessed if currently there are any suitable academic staff in the Faculty of Medicine for taking up senior posts (including Professors, Chair Professors and Head of Department of Surgery) in the Faculty; if the assessment outcome indicates that there are suitable candidates, why it continues to employ the above professor who is beyond the retirement age; if there is no suitable candidate, whether HKU will review whether or not it is necessary to employ additional suitable academic staff; and

(5) whether comprehensive succession arrangements are in place in the Faculty of Medicine of HKU to provide promotion opportunities for younger academic staff; if so, why it continues to employ the above professor instead of considering the promotion of the relevant candidate for succession; if not, whether HKU will review the staff succession mechanism of the Faculty of Medicine?


Madam President,

    The eight institutions funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC), including the University of Hong Kong (HKU), are autonomous statutory bodies governed by their respective ordinances. They enjoy autonomy in the management of their internal affairs, including human resources policies. On the specific issues raised, the information provided by HKU to the UGC Secretariat is set out in the ensuing paragraphs:
(1) Staff members of HKU are normally required to retire on the date of 30 June which follows his/her 60th birthday.

(2) The number of staff members in various departments of HKU who are beyond the age of 60 is tabulated below:

Faculties          Academic Staff  Non-Academic Staff
Architecture            2              -
Arts                    2              -
Business & Economics    -              -
Dentistry                1              -
Education                2              -
Engineering              6              -
Law                      2              -
Medicine                6              5
Science                  -              1
Social Sciences          3              4
Centres/Halls            -              3
Registry                -              2
Finance and
Enterprises Office      -              1
Estates Office          -              1
Safety Office            -              1
Total Staff:            24            18

    The number of times an extension of service has been granted to serving academic and non-academic staff members whose age is beyond 60 is tabulated below:

Number of  Academic Staff    Non-Academic Staff
times an
is granted
One            13                      10
Two            7                      6
Three          2                      2
Four            2                      -
Total Staff    24                      18

(1) The normal period of each extension of contact for academic staff is 2 years.
(2) The normal period of each extension of contract for non-academic staff is 1 year.

    According to HKU, the over-riding consideration in respect of extension of service for a staff member whose age is beyond 60 under exceptional circumstances is whether it is in the University's best interest to retain the staff member's services. The University has established specific committees to consider applications for extension of service beyond retirement. The committees will take into account the performance and contribution of the staff member concerned. Extension would only be granted where it can be demonstrated that it is in the University's best interest to retain the services of a particular staff member; and funds are available to support the continued appointment.

(3) & (4) Each faculty has established a specific committee that considers, among other things, applications from senior staff for extension of service beyond the normal retirement age. Each application is carefully considered by the relevant committee. If an application for service extension is not approved or the incumbent does not want to stay on, HKU will open up the post for open recruitment.

    Furthermore, HKU has advised that Department Headship is not a post. It is an "official capacity" performed in addition to all the duties inherent in the substantive academic appointment as Chair Professor, Professor, etc. There are established University procedures for the appointment of Department Heads, which include consultation with Department staff, recommendation by the relevant Faculty, and consideration and approval by the Vice-Chancellor.

(5) According to HKU, in considering applications of senior staff for extension of service beyond the normal retirement age by the relevant committee, information on succession planning is taken into account. Under the University's human resources structure, Faculty Deans are charged with the responsibility to oversee the human resources management of the Faculty, including succession planning.

Ends/Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Issued at HKT 17:36


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