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STH signs academic collaboration scheme in maritime law (with photos)

    The Secretary for Transport and Housing, Ms Eva Cheng, today (February 27) signed a Government-funded academic collaboration scheme between the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and Dalian Maritime University (DMU), which aims at equipping their law graduates for the specialised field of maritime law.

    Signing the scheme on behalf of the two universities were HKU Vice Chancellor and President, Prof Lap-chee Tsui, and DMU President, Mr Wang Zuwen.

    Ms Cheng said, "This student exchange collaboration scheme marks the beginning of academic co-operation between the Hong Kong Maritime Industry Council, the University of Hong Kong and Dalian Maritime University.  Its aim is to turn out professionals conversant with both maritime law and Common Law who will serve the maritime sectors of our country and Hong Kong, and help strengthen Hong Kong's position as a maritime centre."

    Selected graduates from the DMU School of Law will be admitted to a one-year Master of Common Law programme offered by HKU, and selected HKU law graduates will take up a two-year Master of Maritime Law programme at DMU. Hong Kong students may, however, complete their internship and dissertations in Hong Kong during the second year of the DMU programme.

    For Mainland as well as local students, the Hong Kong SAR Government will sponsor the full tuition fee, and provide a living allowance during their study away from their home town, on condition that they agree to work for the Hong Kong maritime industry for at least 12 months after completing their studies.

    A steering committee will be established under the Hong Kong Maritime Industry Council to approve the lists of nominees provided by HKU and DMU.  The steering committee will include a representative from each university.

    The Transport and Housing Bureau has set aside $8 million for the scheme.  It is expected that eight or nine students from each university will be sponsored annually, beginning with the academic year 2008-09.

Ends/Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Issued at HKT 18:31


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