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LCQ19: Nursing manpower of CSD's Siu Lam Psychiatric Centre

    Following is a question by the Dr Hon Joseph Lee and a written reply by the Secretary for Security, Mr Ambrose S K Lee, in the Legislative Council today (June 21):


     Will the Government inform this Council:

(a) of the number of patients in the Siu Lam Psychiatric Centre of the Correctional Services Department and the establishment of its registered and enrolled nurses in the psychiatric stream in each of the past ten years, as well as their present strength;

(b) of the staffing standards for nursing personnel which have been formulated by the above Centre over the past ten years, and whether it has reviewed such standards in the light of changes in service demand; if it has, of the outcome of the review; if not, the reasons for that;

(c) whether it will review the current demand and supply of nursing manpower at the Centre; if so, of the timetable for the review; if not, the reasons for that; and

(d) whether it has forecast the Centre's demand for and provision of nursing care services and the related staffing establishment, in the coming five years, as well as whether there will be a succession gap in nursing manpower; if so, of the details?


Madam President,

(a) and (b) The average daily penal population of the Siu Lam Psychiatric Centre (Siu Lam) in the past ten years is as follows:

Year    Average daily penal population
----    ------------------------------
1996                 268

1997                 268

1998                 240

1999                 269

2000                 252

2001                 235

2002                 245

2003                 232

2004                 249

2005                 248

     In 1995, the Correctional Services Department (CSD) reviewed the nursing manpower of Siu Lam with the assistance of the Hospital Authority (HA).  At that time, there were altogether 30 officers who were qualified registered nurses (psychiatric) (RN(P)s) and 14 who were qualified enrolled nurses (psychiatric) (EN(P)s) working in Siu Lam.  Based on the results of the review, CSD concluded that 97 uniformed posts in Siu Lam should be filled by officers with psychiatric nursing training, and among them 34 should be RN(P)s and 63 EN(P)s.  Since then, CSD has taken that as the staffing target for the nursing personnel in Siu Lam, and has gradually increased the number of staff with relevant qualifications in order to meet the target.  At present, among the officers working in Siu Lam, there are 34 qualified RN(P)s and 65 qualified EN(P)s.

     The nursing manpower of Siu Lam over the past ten years is shown below:

Year    Registered   Enrolled         Total
          nurse       nurse      nursing manpower
----    ----------   --------    ----------------
1996       32           17              49

1997       33           14              47

1998       41           27              68

1999       38           34              72

2000       43           66             109

2001       44           71             115

2002       42           63             105

2003       42           63             105

2004       38           66             104

2005       38           66             104

     CSD reviews the nursing manpower of Siu Lam and other institutions from time to time.  As the number of inmates in Siu Lam has been relatively stable over the past ten years, the above-mentioned staffing target for nursing personnel has remained unchanged.  Nevertheless, CSD has invited HA to review later this year the latter's recommendations on the nursing manpower of Siu Lam made in 1995.

(c) CSD is planning to review its overall demand for and supply of nursing manpower within this year.

(d) Based on the current manpower situation, CSD expects that there will not be a succession gap in the nursing manpower of Siu Lam and other penal institutions in the coming five years.

Ends/Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Issued at HKT 16:20