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Housing Authority advances reduction of carpark charges to boost occupancy rate

    The following is issued on behalf of the Housing Authority:

     The Housing Authority (HA) will adjust downwards the monthly and hourly charges at its carparks from June 1 to boost occupancy rates.  

     The Commercial Properties Committee (CPC) of the HA today (April 27) endorsed a package of measures to boost the occupancy rate of its 108 carparks with 27,410 parking spaces.

     ˇ°Although the current carpark charges has been scheduled to remain effective until June 30 this year, members of the CPC decided today to advance the implementation of the new charges to ensure that a swift response can be made to market changes,ˇ± a spokesman for the authority said.

     Charges will be adjusted downwards to $11 per hour at carparks in urban and suburban area and $7 per hour at carparks in the New Territories, representing respective reductions of 8.3% and 12.5%.

     Parking between the hours of 11pm and 7am will be charged at a lower rate of $8 per hour in urban and sub-urban area and $5 per hour for the New Territories.

     ˇ°In line with market trend, a flat rate for day-time parking will be introduced for Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm (excluding public holidays) at $55 for urban and suburban and $40 for the New Territories,ˇ± the spokesman said.

     Monthly charges for private cars at carparks with occupancy rates below 50% will be reduced by an average of 6%, ranging from $50 to $100 depending on localities. Monthly charges for private cars at carparks with 100% occupancy rate will remain unchanged.  

     Monthly and hourly charges for motorcycles and light goods vehicles will also remain unchanged. The 20% discount for bulk purchase of 100 parking coupons or multiples will continue.

     Along with these measures, work has been completed to convert some unpopular or under-utilised carparks into other uses, such as residential care home for the elderly or community use. Flexible letting strategies have also been adopted to convert some of the parking spaces for private cars into motor cycle spaces in a number of public rental housing estates to suit the local demand.

     Prospective carpark operators are encouraged to propose any business enhancement programmes and value-added services aiming at boosting up the occupancy rates.

Ends/Thursday, April 27, 2006
Issued at HKT 16:38