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Territory-wide campaign to promote school transport safety

     Police will launch a territory-wide publicity campaign to promote school transport safety today (September 1), on September 2 and September 4 to tie in with the new school year.
     During the three-day publicity campaign, Police officers from Regional Road Safety Teams will distribute publicity leaflet 䩕School Transport Safety Rules蒅 to drivers of school buses and nanny vans, as well as teachers and parents to draw their attention to transport safety of school children. The leaflet is also available on Police website (
     The Police would like to remind drivers of school buses and nanny vans to strictly follow the Road Users﷿ Code and speed limits, and pay particular attention to student pedestrians, so as to remember their responsibilities of ensuring the safety of their passengers, in particular, the more vulnerable children, while other drivers should give way to school buses and nanny vans. Police officers will also organise school visits to deliver talks to school children on safety of travelling on school buses.
     Police statistics showed that in the first seven months of this year, there were 20 traffic accidents involving school buses or nanny vans during school trip with 65 persons aged 16 or below injured, compared to 23 accidents and 116 injuries in the same period in 2014.

Ends/Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Issued at HKT 15:52


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