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Police committed to protecting public safety and public order

     Police stressed today (December 2) that the assembly at the illegally occupied areas in the vicinity of Admiralty is unlawful. Troublemakers, radical individuals and organisations often infiltrate into the illegal assembly, making the situation very chaotic. The unlawful assembly in the vicinity of Admiralty is still of high risk and it is necessary to re-open the roads so as to reduce risks associated with the unlawful assembly.

     Police believed that protestors who took part in the deliberate charging of Police cordon on Lung Wo Road and at the Central Government Offices on November 30 and in the early morning of December 1 had also participated in the illegal blockage of roads in Mong Kok. Some of the radicals and troublemakers took command and incited others to violently charge Police while some of them deliberately damaged government properties. Fences of about 30 metres long on Lung Wo Road near Legislative Council Road were maliciously damaged.

     In addition, Police noted that some people have called for the throwing of makeshift stink bombs at Police officers on the internet and the spraying of paint on officers﷿ helmets so as to obstruct their views. Police condemned these unlawful acts. Police reiterate that it is against the law to incite others to commit illegal acts on the internet. Hong Kong is under the rule of law and all citizens shall abide by the law regardless of whether it is in the real world or on social media platforms. Anyone who commits illegal acts have to bear criminal liability and will be brought to justice. Police will collect evidence and make arrest when necessary.

     Since the illegal occupation of Harcourt Road started two months ago, Lung Wo Road has become the major thoroughfares connecting the east and west of Hong Kong Island and it also serves as an emergency vehicle access. Police have deployed appropriate manpower to prevent the re-blocking of Lung Wo Road and nearby roads. Police will not tolerate the blocking of re-opened roads or violent acts that disrupt public order or public safety. Police will take resolute enforcement actions against all unlawful acts.

     Police are duty bound to take resolute enforcement actions with the powers conferred by the law in order to maintain public order and protect public safety. Police have the determination and capability to take stringent enforcement actions to re-open the roads and to restore public order. Police urge the illegal road occupiers to immediately remove the obstacles, take away personal belongings and leave in a peaceful and orderly manner.

     In respect of the Injunctions Orders on Connaught Road Central and Harcourt Road, Admiralty, Police respect the judgment of the court and will comply with the court order accordingly.  Depending on the circumstances, Police will render assistance as necessary.

     Organisers of the illegal occupation proclaimed to turn themselves in to Police. Police will deal with this in accordance with the established procedures fairly and impartially. It is hoped that the relevant persons could follow Police arrangement so as to minimise impact on the provision of normal services to the general public.

Ends/Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Issued at HKT 18:37


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