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ECCPC Chairman visits Taipei

The following is issued on behalf of the Secretariat to the Hong Kong-Taiwan Economic and Cultural Co-operation and Promotion Council:

     The Chairman of the Hong Kong-Taiwan Economic and Cultural Co-operation and Promotion Council (ECCPC), Mr Charles Lee, will conduct a two-day visit to Taipei on Wednesday (December 11) to attend activities under Hong Kong Week 2013, which is co- organised by the Hong Kong-Taiwan Cultural Co-operation Committee and the Hong Kong Economic, Trade and Cultural Office in Taiwan (HKETCO) to promote cultural exchanges between Hong Kong and Taiwan.

     On the first day of his visit, Mr Lee will officiate at the "Dancing Ink" performance of the Hong Kong Dance Company co-organised by HKETCO and the Taipei Palace Museum. Integrating the beauty of historic works by traditional calligraphy masters Wang Xizhi and Yan Zhenqing with the elegant classical choreography of the Hong Kong dancers, the performance gives a preview of the best parts of the Company's grand show "Spring Ritual 䄰 Eulogy", to be staged in Taipei on December 13 and 14. In the evening, Mr Lee will attend the "Jaap's Shostakovich 5" concert of the Hong Kong Philharmonic at the Taipei Zhongzheng Auditorium.

     On December 12, Mr Lee will visit other visual art projects and exhibitions under Hong Kong Week 2013, and take interviews from Taiwan media organisations.

     The ECCPC is the communication platform for Hong Kong to promote exchanges and co-operation with Taiwan on public policy matters. Co-organised by its Hong Kong-Taiwan Cultural Co-operation Committee and the HKETCO, Hong Kong Week 2013@Taipei with "Legacies & Innovations" as its central theme commenced on November 29 in Taipei to introduce Hong Kong's rich culture and unlimited creativity to the Taiwan audience through a series of exhibitions and artistic programmes.

     This year's Hong Kong Week programmes include the exhibitions "A Century of Fashion: Hong Kong Cheongsam Story", curated by the Hong Kong Museum of History; "All are Guests" jointly curated by the Hong Kong Museum of Art and Hong Kong Arts Development Council; "Hong Kong Design-Style" curated by the Hong Kong Designers Association; and "A Parallel Tale: Taipei in 80s x Hong Kong in 90s" curated by the Hong Kong Arts Centre; the concert "Jaap's Shostakovich 5" by the Hong Kong Philharmonic; the dance poem "Spring Ritual-Eulogy" by the Hong Kong Dance Company, and an array of extension activities including a fashion show, workshops, art and craft demonstrations and academic forums. Details can be found at the Hong Kong Week's website:

Ends/Monday, December 9, 2013
Issued at HKT 14:00


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