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Social Enterprise Award Scheme 2013 invites applications

     Local social enterprises (SEs) are welcome to take part in the Social Enterprise Award Scheme 2013 which is accepting applications from today (July 2) to August 2.

     The Award Scheme is being jointly organised by the Home Affairs Bureau and the Social Enterprise Advisory Committee for the second time to give recognition to successful SEs which operate in Hong Kong, share the best practices in the SE sector and boost public understanding of the social and economic benefits SEs bring about.

     The Under Secretary for Home Affairs, Ms Florence Hui, said, "Social enterprises are businesses operated with commercial principles and entrepreneurial spirit to achieve specific social objectives. We have witnessed the successes of the eight outstanding SEs recognised by the first Social Enterprise Award Scheme in 2011. We are confident that the Award Scheme 2013 will continue to exemplify the spirit of SEs."

     Eligible SEs are encouraged to join the Award Scheme 2013 in one or more of the following areas with reference to their individual strengths: social impact, financial performance, operational excellence, branding and marketing, customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, business potential and innovation.

     Two briefing sessions will be held on July 15 for potential candidates to better understand the details of the Award Scheme 2013 and to make sufficient preparation before application. Details of the scheme and application forms are available on the dedicated website at

     The eight outstanding SEs awarded in the first Award Scheme in 2011 were:

     Dialogue in the Dark HK Limited
     Easy Home Services
     Fullness Christian Social Enterprise Limited
     Gingko House
     Personal Emergency Link
     Tai Kok Tsui Mrs. Mc

Ends/Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Issued at HKT 11:00


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