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Opening remarks by STH at press conference on Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Collision of Vessels near Lamma Island on 1 October 2012 (with video)

     Following are the opening remarks by the Secretary for Transport and Housing, Professor Anthony Cheung Bing-leung, at the press conference today (April 30) on the Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Collision of Vessels near Lamma Island on 1 October 2012:

     Now I will summarise my points in English.

     The vessel collision incident near Lamma Island last October 1 was a tragic incident which is most saddening.

     First of all, I wish to once again express my deep condolences to the families of the deceased and I wish those injured an early and full recovery.

     I wish to thank the Commission of Inquiry for its in-depth investigation and comprehensive analysis into the circumstances giving rise to the incident, and I am grateful for the many recommendations the Commission has made to prevent a recurrence.

     Soon after the tragic incident last October, the Transport and Housing Bureau and the Marine Department had formulated and implemented immediate remedial and improvement measures to ensure the safety of local passenger-carrying vessels, requiring vessel operators to strengthen safety management measures, whilst stepping up patrol on local vessels, paying particular attention to the vessels' safety equipment.

     At the Legislative Council meeting on October 18 last year, I informed the Council that we would explore 10 further improvement measures in consultation with the trade, such as strengthening the professional training and examinations for coxswains and requiring vessels to be installed with automatic identification systems (AIS), etc.  After intensive dialogues between the trade and the Department in the past several months, progress has been made on various fronts. The Director of Marine will report on the progress in a minute.

     We understand local vessel operators' concern over the impact of such additional measures on their operations. However, for the sake of safety and regaining public confidence, the Government and the trade must work together closely to quickly improve the present situation.

     I would now turn to the findings of the Commission of Inquiry. In its Report, the Commission criticised the Marine Department for deficiencies in various work processes, such as in procedures and documentation, in the inspection and damage stability calculations of the Lamma IV during the 1990s, as well as in the enforcement of lifejacket requirements coming into effect in 2008. Such deficiencies are not acceptable.

     The problems identified do give rise to serious concerns. We must address those concerns properly in order to restore public confidence in our maritime safety regime. Should we come across any maladministration or negligence in duty in our investigation, we shall deal with it in accordance with established civil service procedures.

     As the policy secretary, I will personally oversee a comprehensive and fundamental review and reform of the Marine Department. I will chair a Steering Committee on the Systemic Reform of the Department. The Committee will comprise two other lay members, one of whom is a retired public officer and the other from the private sector.  

     The Steering Committee is to steer the Director of Marine to conduct a thorough departmental review and to formulate a work-plan for implementing the necessary reform measures.

     In addition, there will be a Task Force set up within the Marine Department, headed by a new Deputy Director (Special Duties) who will be an Administrative Officer Staff Grade B, leading a high level Task Force to assist the Director to take forward the reform. The Deputy Director (Special Duties) will be underpinned by two Directorate Officers at D2 level, one of whom will be of Assistant Director of Marine rank.

     International maritime experts will be appointed as advisers to strengthen professional input to the reform process.

     We will report regularly to the Executive Council and the Legislative Council on our work.

     Let me once again emphasise that the Government places utmost importance on maintaining the highest possible safety standards for local passenger-carrying vessels in our waters.  

     I now invite the Director of Marine to speak.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the opening remarks.)

Ends/Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Issued at HKT 18:55


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