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Communications Authority press release

The following is issued on behalf of the Communications Authority:

     This press release summarises the outcome of the Communications Authority's(CA) deliberations in July 2012:

Changes in the channel roll-out plan of the digital audio broadcasting services of Phoenix U Radio Limited

     The CA considered the application of Phoenix U Radio Limited (Phoenix U Radio) to vary the channel roll-out plan as spelt out in Condition 18.1 of its sound broadcasting licence (the licence).  The CA approved the following:

(a) the deadline for Phoenix U Radio to formally launch the second sound broadcasting service channel be extended from July 17, 2012, to January 17, 2013;

(b) the deadline for Phoenix U Radio to formally launch the third sound broadcasting service channel be extended from January 17, 2013, to September 21, 2013.  The deadline may be further extended to January 17, 2014, provided that Phoenix U Radio submits a duly issued performance bond by June 21, 2013, in favour of the Government in the sum of $1 million to secure roll-out of the channel by January 17, 2014; and
(c) the sequence for rolling out the channels on information exchange between Hong Kong and Guangdong (originally the second channel) and Putonghua learning and music (originally the third channel) be swapped.

     According to the licence, the first channel was to have been launched by September 21, 2012 (stipulated deadline), and the second and third channels, six and 12 months after the actual launch date of the first channel (rather than the stipulated deadline).  In practice, Phoenix U Radio launched the first channel on January 18, 2012, eight months ahead of the stipulated deadline.  The CA accepted that it would not be fair to expect Phoenix U Radio to advance the delivery of its second and third channels just because it advanced that for the first channel.  Thus, the CA agreed to allow the two other channels to be launched by January 17 and September 21, 2013, which are within six and 12 months after the stipulated deadline.  While Phoenix U Radio requested flexibility to adjust the launch date for the third channel, the CA decided that Phoenix U Radio should be allowed to further defer the launch date for the third channel to January 17, 2014, on the condition that Phoenix U Radio submits a performance bond of $1 million in favour of the Government to secure service roll-out within the revised time frame.

Complaint cases

     The CA considered four complaint cases in respect of the broadcasting licensees' non-compliance with the relevant codes of practice on programme and advertising standards:

(a) a complaint against the television programme "The Generation Show" broadcast on the SZTV Channel of Asia Television Limited (ATV) on November 19, 2011.  The CA decided that ATV should be warned to observe more closely the relevant provisions in the Generic Code of Practice on Television Programme Standards (TV Programme Code) and the Generic Code of Practice on Television Advertising Standards (TV Advertising Code);

(b) a complaint against the television programme "Happy Birthday" broadcast on the SZTV Channel of ATV on December 12, 2011.  The CA decided that ATV should be warned to observe more closely the relevant provisions in the TV Programme and Advertising Codes;

(c) a complaint against the television programme "孪띣菱" broadcast on the SZTV Channel of ATV on January 21 and 22, 2012.  The CA decided that ATV should be warned to observe more closely the relevant provisions in the TV Programme and Advertising Codes; and

(d) a complaint against the radio programme "The Summit" broadcast on the CR1 Channel of Hong Kong Commercial Broadcasting Company Limited (CR) on April 6, 2012.  The CA decided that CR should be strongly advised to observe more closely the relevant provisions in the Radio Code of Practice on Programme Standards.

     Further details of the above cases are available in the Appendix.

Ends/Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Issued at HKT 16:01


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