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Police continue to facilitate media reporting

     The Commissioner of Police, Mr Tsang Wai-hung, today (May 4) met with the representatives of four journalists associations, including the Hong Kong News Executives﷿ Association, Hong Kong Federation of Journalists, Hong Kong Journalists Association and Hong Kong Press Photographers Association. He listened carefully to their opinions and concerns, and exchanged views with them on the setting up of Designated Press Area (DPA).

     䩕We in principle agree that there is no need to set up a DPA under general circumstances except in certain Police operations. Police will review the policy of DPA, including the criteria for setting up a DPA, and will carefully consider the views of the media,蒅 a Police spokesman said.

     Under current practice, if the DPA is set up outside the Police cordon line, journalists can move in and out of the DPA freely during Police operations. If the circumstances require the movement of journalists be restricted within the DPA, the field commander will need to provide sufficient reasons and so inform the media there and then, or through PPRB Newsroom. Police has issued an internal circular to remind the officers to employ the above arrangement until the conclusion of the review.

     䩕The purpose of setting up a DPA is to facilitate each other﷿s work. We hope the media will work with us on the basis of mutual respect and understanding.

     䩕Police will also continue to maintain a close partnership with the media, provide necessary assistance and maintain communication with them to strengthen co-operation,蒅 the spokesman reiterated.

Police Report No. 249
Issued by PPRB

Ends/Friday, May 4, 2012
Issued at HKT 21:08


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