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Government issues consultation document for competition law proposals (with photo)

    The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Frederick Ma, today (May 6) announced the launch of a three-month public consultation on government proposals for a new competition law for Hong Kong.

    Presenting a consultation document which sets out details of the proposals, Mr Ma said the Government looked forward to receiving the public﷿s views on the proposed framework before finalising the Competition Bill for introduction into the Legislative Council (Legco).

    䩕Introduction of the new law will help us to more effectively implement our competition policy, which is aimed at enhancing economic efficiency and the benefit of consumers through promoting sustainable competition.

    䩕By setting out a clear and enforceable prohibition against anti-competitive conduct, a competition law can help facilitate a better business environment for companies and protect consumers﷿ rights, for the benefit of all sectors of society.蒅

    Mr Ma said that at the last public consultation exercise on the way forward for Hong Kong﷿s competition policy, there was general support for the introduction of a cross-sector competition law.

    䩕However,蒅 he said, 䩕we recognise that some stakeholders, particularly business sector representatives and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) had concerns that such a law should not create extra compliance costs or lead to excessive litigation. To this end, the public consultation paper has specifically set out a number of proposals to address their concerns.蒅

    The consultation paper covers key elements that will form the basis of a competition law, including the proposed regulatory structure, types of conduct that will be prohibited, penalties that will apply for infringing the law, the right to take private action, and criteria and mechanisms for granting exemptions and exclusions from the application of the law.

    䩕We will take full account of these views when finalising our drafting of the Competition Bill,蒅 Mr Ma said, adding that it remained the Government﷿s intention to introduce the Bill into Legco in the 2008-09 legislative session, as announced in the Chief Executive﷿s 2007 Policy Address.

    The three-month consultation period starting today will end on August 5. People are welcome to send their views in writing to the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau at Level 29, One Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong, or by email to

    Full details of the consultation document are available at

Ends/Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Issued at HKT 15:31


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