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LCQ 3: Disseminating timely traffic information through mobile phones

    Following is a question by the Hon Sin Chung-kai and a reply by the Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works, Dr Sarah Liao, in the Legislative Council meeting today (June 21):


     I have learnt that disseminating real-time traffic information, recorded by the closed-circuit television systems of the Transport Department ("TD"), to mobile phone users is part of the Government's work to promote the Intelligent Transport Strategy and develop the Transport Information System.  The Task Force on Emergency Transport Coordination has also suggested that the Government should examine, in conjunction with telecommunications companies, the feasibility of and methods for disseminating timely traffic information through mobile phones.  In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(a) of the measures drawn up by the authorities in the past three years to encourage cooperation between mobile network operators and government departments in disseminating real-time traffic information to mobile phone users;

(b) of the respective roles played by the Environment, Transport and Works Bureau, the Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau as well as the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau in taking forward the above measures, and the authorities' measures to enhance cooperation between various bureaux and government departments, in order to implement the above work and suggestion as soon as possible; and

(c) as the discussion between a mobile network operator and TD on disseminating real-time traffic information to mobile phone users has been going on for three years, why the authorities have not yet drawn up detailed arrangements and charging mode for disseminating such information; when such work is expected to complete; and whether they are different from the existing arrangements as well as charging mode, mechanism and criteria on relaying such information by other media (such as free or pay television stations)?


Madam President,

     It has been the Government's objective to reduce delays and alleviate traffic congestion by disseminating timely traffic information effectively and widely through different channels, so that road users can make informed choices of routes and transport modes.

     Currently, the Transport Department (TD) provides close-circuit television (CCTV) images free of charge to the mass media for the convenience of the public.  However, when the media use TD's CCTV traffic images, they have to agree not to charge their subscribers any additional fees for the information and they should be responsible for the installation and operation of all the connecting systems.

     Since early 2003, TD has been actively exploring with mobile network operators (MNOs) the feasibility of disseminating its CCTV traffic images to the latter's subscribers.  TD has also assisted MNOs in conducting technical tests in order to expedite the provision of such services.  However, the Government and MNOs have not been able to reach an agreement on the charging mechanism because MNOs' operation and charging modes have been changing due to rapid technological development and market needs, and the two sides have different considerations.  Nevertheless, TD and relevant Government departments are continuing their discussion with MNOs, and have offered to provide MNOs with CCTV images on a cost-recovery basis if MNOs do not charge their subscribers additional fees.  This is in line with the present arrangement for the mass media.  However, if the MNOs charge their subscribers and generate additional revenue, they would be required to share the revenue with the Government.  From the public finance point of view, this proposal would ensure that the Government could have a reasonable share of the benefits arising from the commercial use of Government information.  We are awaiting replies from the MNOs and hope to reach consensus with the interested ones as soon as possible.

     In addition, since last year, TD has been discussing with MNOs the dissemination of emergency traffic information through short messaging services.  However, due to technical problems, the idea is still being examined.  Currently, we are using electronic mails to disseminate special traffic news to 130 organisations that have 500 or more employees.

     On the distribution of work within the Government, the Environment, Transport and Works Bureau and TD have been discussing with the trade the technical feasibility and operation mode of the above proposals with a view to promoting the Intelligent Transport System Strategy and developing the Transport Information System.  The Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau provides advice and assistance on the technical issues when such are required.  The Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau advises on the proposed charging mechanisms from the public finance policy angle.  The policy bureaux and departments concerned have been working closely and maintaining a dialogue with the trade, with a view to implementing the above work as soon as possible.

Ends/Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Issued at HKT 12:27