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Labour Department to implement five-day week in July

    Most of the Labour Department's offices will switch to a five-day week starting from July 1, but the department will continue to operate its essential counter services on Saturdays.

     A spokesman for the department said today (June 18) that the essential counter services were the job centres, occupational health clinics and offices of the Occupational Medicine Unit which conduct sick leave clearance interviews. These offices will remain open to serve the public on Saturdays.

     "In deciding on the services that are to be moved to a five-day week, we have taken into account a number of factors in finalising the implementation plan," the spokesman said. "These include the nature of services, the likely impact on the general public and the clients, and the availability of alternative modes of service."

     All back offices, offices providing in-house professional and administrative services and branch offices that if closed on Saturdays would not have a significant impact on the public, will move to a five-day week from July 1.

     The spokesman added that to maintain the level and efficiency of services, the department would extend the operating hours of these offices by 45 minutes on weekdays. The new opening hours will run from 9am to 6.15pm.

     In cases of major labour disputes or industrial accidents that require immediate attention outside office hours, officers will continue to provide the necessary conciliation services or conduct accident investigations immediately.

     "Apart from the extension of office hours, a drop-in box will be made available at the doors/lobbies of those offices providing counter services that have switched to a five-day week from July," the spokesman said.

     "This will allow members of the public who call at these offices on Saturdays to leave messages and/or their contact telephone numbers. We will promptly respond to these messages as soon as practicable on the next working day," he said.

     "Our services via electronic means, 24-hour enquiries hotline (2717 1771) and the consultation service of the 1823 Citizen's Easy Link will continue to serve the public round the clock," he said.

     For details of the service hours of the offices of the Labour Department, check the website:

Ends/Sunday, June 18, 2006
Issued at HKT 11:00