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SCIT speaks about RTHK

    Following is a transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology (SCIT), Mr Joseph WP Wong, when speaking to the media today (April 26) on the management of Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), following the issue of the Report No. 46 of the Director of Audit on the results of value for money audits:

SCIT: First of all, we welcome the recommendations of the Director of Audit in his Report No. 46 in connection with the strengthening of governance, financial control and resource management of RTHK.

     To ensure full implementation of the audit recommendations, we will set up a high level internal audit team with effect from May 2, i.e. next week. The team will be headed by a directorate Chief Treasury Accountant seconded from the Treasury. We will also second a Senior Auditor from the Audit Commission to the audit team. Also, the Corruption Prevention Department of the ICAC will, on a need basis, offer advice to the high level internal audit team on the review of systems in RTHK. The team will make periodic reports to the Director of Broadcasting, and the report will also be copied to the Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau (CITB). The responsible Permanent Secretary will scrutinise the report carefully and will, as necessary, consult CSB (Civil Service Bureau) and FSTB (Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau), our two resource bureaux, and decide whether any follow-up action is necessary.

     In the meantime, I have written to the Director of Broadcasting and asked him to give me a report within three months, to comment on the cases of suspected irregularities covered by the Audit Report, and which will include:

(a) whether disciplinary proceedings should be instituted against the staff concerned after due investigations;

(b) whether the management staff should take management responsibility for such irregularities; and

(c) what are their proposals to build up and consolidate a culture of compliance with Government rules and regulations.

     I must emphasise that it is incumbent on RTHK, as a government department, and all staff in RTHK to accept a culture of compliance with government rules and procedures, and to improve fundamentally all the irregularities identified in the Audit Report. The Government will strive to improve the governance of RTHK and will further enhance its internal management and improve fundamentally the present situation.

Reporter: This time the Government has actually appointed officials into the RTHK. Do you think that may affect the freedom of expression?

SCIT: Let me clarify. The internal audit team is established within RTHK. So there is no question of operating outside RTHK. What I have mentioned is that in order to help RTHK, in order to ensure that the team functions effectively, we have obtained agreement of the Treasury to second a Chief Treasury Accountant to head the team, and we have secured agreement of the Audit Commission to second a Senior Auditor to be a member of the team. So the team works in RTHK, the team reports to the Director of Broadcasting. At the same time, the report will be copied to my Bureau so that the Permanent Secretary responsible can take a look at the report and can decide in consultation with CSB and FSTB on whether any follow-up action is necessary. The whole intention and the whole action is a positive one. We want to ensure that at the end of the day, all the recommendations will be implemented and the recommendations may work very well, including any recommendations which may come out from the Public Accounts Committee of the Legislative Council, which, no doubt, will look at the report and will decide whether or not a hearing is necessary.

Reporter: Can you ensure that the freedom of expression will not be affected, and also the staff morale?

SCIT: There is no question absolutely of freedom of speech and absolutely no question of editorial independence. Let's get this very clear. We are talking about problems in the governance, in the management and resource management of RTHK, which is a Government department. I really hope people will look at this professionally and really support the Government in this action. It is very important that RTHK, as a Government department, must overcome all these widespread irregularities which have been identified in successive reports, and which have become court cases or disciplinary cases. I urge all the listeners and all those people who claim to be concerned about RTHK, please look at this objectively, and look at this professionally. The Audit Report is published for all to see. You can all look at the report; you can all form your judgments, and the point I want to make absolutely clear is that we are doing this in an absolutely professional basis. We believe it is in the interest of RTHK; it is in the interest of the Government, including CITB (Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau), and certainly the interest of the public, who will expect a Government department to manage its affairs properly and to use public funds responsibly and without any irregularities.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Ends/Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Issued at HKT 16:34