STL visits Shanghai with LegCo Panel on Transport (with photos)

     The Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr Lam Sai-hung, together with 10 Members of the Legislative Council Panel on Transport, visited Shanghai today (September 11) to learn about its development of new energy vehicles (NEVs) and autonomous driving. The Commissioner for Transport, Ms Angela Lee, also joined the visit.

     In the morning, the delegation paid a visit to Shanghai Baidu's Apollo Park, where they were briefed by park representatives on their latest developments in autonomous driving. Baidu has established an intelligent connected and cloud-based command platform that serves as centres for autonomous driving operation, research and development as well as multi-sensor fusion and calibration to enhance users' awareness and recognition of the autonomous driving market. The delegation also took a ride in Robotaxis to experience the operation.

     In the afternoon, the delegation visited the Shanghai Electric Vehicle Public Data Collecting Monitoring and Research Center. The Centre is the country's first monitoring platform for promoting the application of NEVs, making use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology and a smart algorithm engine to boost the data economy of NEVs. The delegation later visited a smart transport pilot zone and toured a company specialising in developing smart electric vehicles. The transport pilot zone utilises new technologies, including sensing technology, high definition maps, AI and algorithms, to manage traffic at junctions.

     Mr Lam said that the Transport and Logistics Bureau and the Transport Department have been promoting smart mobility and applying technology in managing traffic more effectively, alleviating road congestion and enhancing mobility convenience for citizens, so as to maximise the use of limited road space. The Government has also completed the legislative amendments for autonomous vehicles (AVs) earlier to provide a flexible regulatory framework for further testing and application of AVs in Hong Kong. Over the past few years, a total of 20 vehicles equipped with autonomous driving systems have been tested at 11 different locations in Hong Kong. Some of them are equipped with level 4 autonomous driving technology, i.e. high automation, which is on par with that of the Mainland and the rest of the world. The Government will continue to facilitate wider trials and application of AVs by the industry in Hong Kong to offer the public an exciting travel experience with AVs.

     ýÿThe delegation will continue its visit to Shanghai tomorrow (September 12).

Ends/Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Issued at HKT 17:00