Cluster of chickenpox cases in Kwai Chung Hospital

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority.
     The spokesperson for Kwai Chung Hospital (KCH) made the following announcement today (July 16):
     A 19-year-old patient hospitalised in a male ward for learning disabilities presented with rashes on June 18. He was confirmed to have chickenpox infection after viral tests. The KCH Infection Control Team conducted contact tracing upon notification of the case. The hospital has informed contacts and arranged antibody testing for individuals who either had not received chickenpox vaccines in the past or are unsure of their infection history of varicella zoster virus, in order to assess the needs of medical surveillance or isolation. Subsequently, two more patients (aged 19 and 22) in the same ward developed symptoms during the medical surveillance period and were confirmed to have chickenpox. The patients concerned have recovered after being treated in isolation.
     A thorough cleaning and disinfection have been conducted in the ward concerned, while infection control measures have been enhanced. The hospital will continue to closely monitor the situation of the patients. The cases have been reported to the Hospital Authority Head Office and the Centre for Health Protection for necessary follow-up.

Ends/Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Issued at HKT 17:45