9th Hong Kong Games concludes successfully (with photos)

     The 9th Hong Kong Games (HKG) Closing cum Prize Presentation Ceremony was held at the Kowloon Park Sports Centre this afternoon (June 9) after completion of all contests of the Games. The Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Kevin Yeung, officiated at the ceremony.

     HKG, held biennially since 2007, is a territory-wide major multi-sport event with the 18 Districts as participating units. It aims to promote the "sport for all" culture in the community.

     Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Yeung said, over 4 000 athletes took part in more than 1 000 matches in eight sports events of this year's HKG, namely athletics, badminton, 3-on-3 basketball, futsal, swimming, table tennis, tennis and volleyball, to strive for excellence to win honour for themselves and the districts they live in. The athletes not only demonstrated their masterly skills, but also their hardworking and sportsmanship during the competitions. Their achievements are very impressive.

     Mr Yeung added, the Government will continue to promote "sport for all" culture and provide the community with more opportunities for sports participation and exchanges, so as to encourage members of the public to take part in various sports activities.

     Age groups (15 or below, 16 to 17, and 18 or above) have been introduced for individual sports events in the 9th HKG, aiming to let more members of the public, particularly the younger generation, participate. There are over 1 500 young participants to join this year's HKG, the response has been encouraging.

     Other officiating guests at the ceremony included Member of the Legislative Council, Mr Vincent Cheng; the President of the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (SF&OC), Mr Timothy Fok; the Acting Director of Leisure and Cultural Services, Miss Winnie Chui; the Commissioner for Sports, Mr Sam Wong; the Chairman of the 9th HKG Organising Committee, Professor Patrick Yung; Executive Advisers of the Organising Committee Mr William Tong and Mr David Yip. Representatives from the relevant National Sports Associations and Home Affairs Department's 18 District Offices also attended the ceremony.

     At the ceremony, awards were presented to the Games' winning athletes and teams for their outstanding performance during the competitions. The 9th HKG overall championship went to Yuen Long District, which achieved the highest total score across the eight sports competitions. The overall first runner-up was Yau Tsim Mong District; while Shatin District was the overall second runner-up.

     The champions in the eight sports competitions are as follows:
Futsal Yuen Long District
3-on-3 basketball Yau Tsim Mong District
Athletics Tuen Mun District
Badminton Yuen Long District
Swimming Yuen Long District
Table tennis Tuen Mun District
Tennis Yau Tsim Mong District
Volleyball Yuen Long District

     Prizes to encourage district participation were also awarded at the ceremony. North District won the award of "District with the Strongest Cheering Squad"; Yuen Long District won the award of "District with the Greatest Participation"; for the "District with the Best Sportsmanship", the championship, first runner-up and second runner-up are Yuen Long District, Islands District and Kowloon City District respectively; Yau Tsim Mong District won the award of "District with the Best Progress"; the award of "District with the Most Gold Medals" went to Yuen Long District.

     For the Cheering Team Competition for the 18 Districts, Islands District was the champion of "the Best Performance Award", with Yuen Long District and Sai Kung District as the first and second runners-up respectively. Islands District also won first place for "the Best Local Characteristics Award", while Sai Kung District was the first runner-up, and Kwun Tong District came third. North District won "the Highest Popularity Award".

     Details of the prize-winning districts are listed in the attachment.

     For the public voting activities, Wan Chai District and North District won "Online Voting - My Favourite Sporty District" and "Paper Voting - My Favourite Sporty District" respectively. A lucky draw for winners of the voting and guessing activities was held before the ceremony. The winner list will be uploaded to the 9th HKG website (www.hongkonggames.hk) and published in Sing Tao Daily and The Standard on June 18.

     A series of community participation programmes were also organised for members of the public to take part in the 9th HKG. They included elite athletes' demonstration and exchange programmes, a sports seminar, the Sports Legacy - Exercise to Get Super Fit, the 18 Districts' Pledging cum Cheering Team Competition, the Hong Kong Games Run and Exercise Together, the Jockey Club Vitality Run, the Dynamic Moments Photo Contest, voting and guessing activities, the Opening Ceremony and today's Closing cum Prize Presentation Ceremony.

     The success of the biennial HKG would not have been possible without the support and participation of the members of the public and the co-operation of the sectors of community. The Government successfully procured the broadcasting rights of the Paris Olympic Games and Paralympic Games in Hong Kong, allowing all Hong Kong citizens to extend the enthusiasm for sports as well as giving support to Mainland and Hong Kong athletes by watching the Games for free.

     The submission deadline for the Dynamic Moments Photo Contest is June 21 and the results will be announced in July.

     The 9th HKG was organised by the Sports Commission and co-ordinated by its Community Sports Committee, with the Home Affairs Department, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, the SF&OC, and the relevant National Sports Associations of the sports competitions as co-organisers. The Hong Kong Jockey Club was the Principal Contributor of the event.

Ends/Sunday, June 9, 2024
Issued at HKT 19:21