Wild Animals Protection (Amendment) Ordinance 2024 gazetted

     The Wild Animals Protection (Amendment) Ordinance 2024 (the Ordinance) was published in the Gazette today (May 31) and will take effect from August 1.
     The Ordinance aims to expand the prohibition on feeding currently applicable to wild animals to cover feral pigeon (feeding ban) as well; increase the maximum penalty for contravention of the feeding ban from a fine of $10,000 to a fine of $100,000 and imprisonment for one year, and introduce a fixed penalty with the amount at $5,000; and broaden the scope of the Government's enforcement officers.
     "Feeding wild animals and feral pigeons will not only foul public places and attract these animals to gather, thus causing a nuisance to the public and the public hygiene problem, but will also affect the habits of these animals, jeopardising their ability to survive in the wild. In 2021 and 2022, the annual average number of complaints related to feral pigeons received by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD), Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) and Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) was about 1 700 cases in total. The Government will continue to strengthen publicity and education to foster public understanding that wild animals and feral pigeons have the natural instincts to forage in the wild and natural environment without having to rely on human feeding. In addition, the AFCD will work closely with the departments assisting in enforcement (including the FEHD, the Housing Department and the LCSD), with a view to ensuring effective enforcement," a Government spokesman said.
     Information on the latest feeding ban requirements and penalties, as well as the precautions have been uploaded to the AFCD's relevant webpage (www.afcd.gov.hk/english/conservation/con_fau/con_fau_wild_the.html) for public reference.

Ends/Friday, May 31, 2024
Issued at HKT 14:30