Transcript of remarks by SHYA at media session

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Miss Alice Mak, at a media session after attending the Care Teams in Southern District - First Anniversary and Healthy Life Launching Ceremony today (May 10):
Reporter: Can you talk about the future plan of Care Teams? Would there be further expansion of the Care Teams like increase the number of the Care Teams and also maybe more crucial roles the members can have? The second question is on the waste-charging scheme. A green group has proposed the scheme to begin only at government premises and also facilities. So will the Government actually consider this plan?
Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs: I am grateful for all members of the Care Teams as they are all volunteers. They have rendered excellent services in our community. They are dedicated to providing district-based services in the community. In case of emergency, our Care Team members always arrive at the scene in a very short time to provide support and assistance to the residents concerned. This kind of service is what we want to deliver in our community. I believe that with the dedicated service of the Care Team members, we can achieve the goal of setting up the Care Teams, that is to gather the resources and efforts of all sectors in the community to benefit residents in the districts. The first phase of the Care Team services will last for two years. After two years, we will definitely review the whole scheme and see how we can enhance and improve the scheme so that more residents can be benefited and we can provide more district-based services to our residents. About the MSW charges (Municipal Solid Waste Charging), I understand from the Environment and Ecology Bureau that they are undergoing different channels to collect views from the residents. I am sure they will definitely consider views from different sectors and all stakeholders and formulate measures that will be beneficial to the society as a whole.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Ends/Friday, May 10, 2024
Issued at HKT 17:00