HKSAR Government District Officers complete study programme in Beijing (with photo)

@กกกThe delegation of the District Officers (DOs) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government led by the Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Miss Alice Mak, completed its study programme on district governance at the National Academy of Governance (NAG) this morning (April 19).
@กกกDeputy Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council Mr Wang Linggui, gave a lecture to the delegation on the implementation of modernisation with Chinese characteristics in Zhejiang. At the closing ceremony, Mr Wang said that the Central Government attaches great importance to the study programme on district governance for the DOs and hoped that the delegation will continue to exchange experiences with each other and work better in carrying out district work. Subsequently, the Vice President of the NAG, Mr Gong Weibin, presented the Certificates of Completion of the NAG to the delegation, and congratulated the delegation for completing its study programme and encouraged its members to apply learning outcomes to their work.
@กกกMiss Mak expressed gratitude to the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council and the NAG for the programme's meticulous arrangements. She trusted that the delegation members will be able to convert their learnings into practical results to strengthen and enhance district governance, serve the people, improve people's livelihood, and assist the Government to achieve good district governance and strengthen people's sense of fulfilment and happiness. 
@กกกThe delegation departed for Zhejiang Province for a duty visit this afternoon, to obtain a deeper understanding of the local experience of district governance there. 

Ends/Friday, April 19, 2024
Issued at HKT 18:20