Housing Bureau holds seminar themed "Leveraging BuildTech and Green Finance in Public Housing" today to support Green Week (with photos)

     ýÿTo support Hong Kong Green Week and the Government's initiative in promoting a green economy for sustainable development, the Housing Bureau (HB) organised a seminar themed "Leveraging BuildTech and Green Finance in Public Housing" today (February 29).
     This seminar, held at the University of Hong Kong and supported by its Department of Civil Engineering, aims to connect stakeholders to enhance cross-sectoral collaboration and explore the relationship between innovation and technology, green finance and public housing development. Over 200 representatives from building contractors, suppliers, professional bodies, start-up companies, academia, research institutes, financial firms and investment sectors participated in the seminar.
     In her opening remarks, the Secretary for Housing, Ms Winnie Ho, said that she felt delighted to hold the seminar. With rich experience in mass public housing production of the Hong Kong Housing Authority and the Housing Department (HD), the HB hopes this seminar could serve as an opportunity to explore cross-sector collaboration to connect innovative building technology, sustainability and green finance, with a view to opening up new opportunities for green technology and finance.
     Eleven guest speakers who are industry pioneers, business leaders and government officials were invited to share their insights and experiences in the application of innovative technology solutions to foster collaboration and partnerships between construction and finance sectors in green technology for public housing.
     In her closing remarks, the Permanent Secretary for Housing and Director of Housing, Miss Rosanna Law, said that she was thrilled to receive valuable ideas from different stakeholders from the construction, estate management and finance sectors. She looks forward to the collective efforts for green and sustainable investment, financing and certification in promoting a greener and more sustainable future for public housing development.
     The HD has been committed to adopting innovative construction technologies, smart construction sites and construction robots to enhance the speed, efficiency, quantity and quality of increasing the public housing supply. The HD also actively promotes smart estate management to enhance management efficiency and the service quality of nearly 200 public housing estates.

Ends/Thursday, February 29, 2024
Issued at HKT 17:45