Hong Kong-Shenzhen Joint Working Group on Environmental Protection holds meeting in Hong Kong (with photos)

     The Secretary for Environment and Ecology, Mr Tse Chin-wan, and Vice Mayor of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government Ms Zhang Hua, leading delegations of the governments of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and Shenzhen respectively, held the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Joint Working Group on Environmental Protection meeting in Hong Kong today (February 27). The two parties summarised their work progress since the meeting last year and exchanged views regarding further co-operations and related work for the coming year.
     Various collaboration issues were discussed in the meeting, including landfill management, water quality improvement and cross-boundary transportation with new energy. The two parties presented their work progress and shared experiences to deepen exchanges and co-operation on environmental protection. 

     With the joint effort from both sides, odour management at the North East New Territories Landfill has significantly improved. By the end of 2023, restoration and greening works for 80 per cent of the operation areas where landfilling had completed were finished as scheduled. Odour complaints from both places have also been decreased by 80 per cent. As for cross-boundary commercial vehicles using new energy, the two places will continue to liaise with trade and explore having electric goods vehicles for cross-boundary transportation as trial. Furthermore, for water quality improvement, the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) and Drainage Services Department (DSD), with the support from Shenzhen, have tested chemical treatment process in Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works to bring down phosphorus discharge. The total phosphorus amount discharging to Ng Tung River and Shenzhen River has continuously reduced to reach the level 1B of the Discharge Standard for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant.
     The two administrations signed a co-operation agreement on enhancing environmental protection for the two places after the meeting. The agreement covers various aspects of work including strengthening pollution management, ecological conservation, combating climate change, promotion and education on ecology. It aims to promulgate the continuous improvement of the ecological environment in Hong Kong and Shenzhen.

     Mr Tse expressed, "2024 is a crucial year for achieving the targets laid out in the National Fourteenth Five-year Plan and promoting the construction of a beautiful China. We will continue to work in line with national environmental protection and conservation goals, and strengthen co-operation with our counterparts in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), Shenzhen in particular. Together, we will accelerate green transformation and strive to make the skies bluer, the mountains greener, and waters clearer in both regions and the whole GBA!"
     The Permanent Secretary for Environment and Ecology (Environment), Miss Janice Tse; the Director of Environmental Protection, Dr Samuel Chui; the Acting Director of Drainage Services, Mr Raymond Lee; and representatives from the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the EPD, the DSD and the Transport Department, also attended the meeting.

Ends/Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Issued at HKT 21:11