Update on cluster of chickenpox cases in Kwai Chung Hospital

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     Regarding an earlier announcement on a cluster of patients infected with chickenpox in a male ward of learning disabilities, the spokesperson for Kwai Chung Hospital made the following update today (February 22):
     Following a contact tracing investigation, a 28-year-old male patient in the ward, who had no antibodies of varicella zoster virus, was transferred to Princess Margaret Hospital on January 19 for isolation and medical surveillance. During the period, the isolation and medical surveillance of the patient had to be extended as he was identified as a close contact of a new chickenpox case. The patient has been presenting with a rash since February 16 and was confirmed to have a chickenpox infection after viral tests were arranged. The patient concerned is being treated in isolation and is in stable condition.

     The hospital will continue to closely monitor the situation of the patients. The case has been reported to the Hospital Authority Head Office and the Centre for Health Protection for necessary follow-up.

Ends/Thursday, February 22, 2024
Issued at HKT 17:52