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Sydney ETO holds reception in Melbourne to celebrate Chinese New Year (with photos)
     The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Sydney (Sydney ETO) hosted a reception in Melbourne, Australia, yesterday (February 15) to celebrate Chinese New Year.
     More than 150 guests from various sectors including political and business circles, media, academic and community groups as well as government representatives attended the reception. Amongst them were the Acting Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Melbourne, Mr Zeng Jianhua, and the Parliamentary Secretary for Economic Development, representing the Premier of Victoria, Mr Paul Hamer.
     Addressing the reception, the Director of the Sydney ETO, Miss Trista Lim, highlighted the strong trade and investment ties as well as the long-standing people-to-people links between Hong Kong and Australia. Miss Lim introduced to the guests the array of initiatives announced in "The Chief Executive's 2023 Policy Address" to attract enterprises, investment and talent, and to enhance Hong Kong's development of "eight centres" as outlined in the National 14th Five-Year Plan. In the international arena, Miss Lim said that Hong Kong is striving for early accession to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, the world's largest free trade agreement.
     "Blessed with the strong support of our motherland and our close connection to the world, Hong Kong is the only worldýÿclass city that can capitalise on both the China advantage and the international advantage. We will continue to proactively play the bridging role as the 'super connector' and 'super value-adder' between the Mainland and the rest of the world", Miss Lim said.
     Miss Lim also shared that the Government will step up promoting the development of a mega-event economy, noting that over 80 mega events are to take place in Hong Kong in the first half of 2024.
     To promote traditional Chinese music, a Chinese orchestra performance was staged at the reception.
     In addition to the Melbourne reception, the Sydney ETO will host Chinese New Year receptions in Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth in Australia, and Auckland in New Zealand, to celebrate the Year of the Dragon with the communities.
Ends/Friday, February 16, 2024
Issued at HKT 15:23
Today's Press Releases  


The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Sydney (Sydney ETO) hosted a reception in Melbourne, Australia, yesterday (February 15) to celebrate Chinese New Year. Photo shows the Director of the Sydney ETO, Miss Trista Lim (front row, centre); the Acting Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Melbourne, Mr Zeng Jianhua (front row, fifth right); the Parliamentary Secretary for Economic Development, representing the Premier of Victoria, Mr Paul Hamer (front row, third right), and other guests hosting a toasting ceremony.
The Director of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Sydney, Miss Trista Lim, delivers a welcoming speech at the reception held in Melbourne, Australia, yesterday (February 15).
The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Sydney hosted a reception in Melbourne, Australia, yesterday (February 15) to celebrate Chinese New Year. More than 150 guests from various sectors including political and business circles, media, academic and community groups as well as government representatives attended the reception.
The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Sydney hosted a reception in Melbourne, Australia, yesterday (February 15) to celebrate Chinese New Year. A Chinese orchestra performance was staged at the reception to promote traditional Chinese music.