EPD strongly condemns fake news slandering quality of designated bags (with video)

     Regarding a video clip circulating online claiming that the Environmental Protection Department (EPD)'s designated bags are easily torn, the EPD said today (January 21) that the remarks were entirely defamatory and slanderous, and what were shown in the video was not the designated bags that are not yet on sale.

     The designated bags to be put on sale soon have already passed all tests of relevant international and/or national standards and will not be easily damaged. Relevant tests include: minimum tensile strength, minimum percentage of elongation, puncture and impact resistance.

     The Government severely condemns such false news and reminds members of the public that recently there were many rumours with malicious intent to undermine the quality of designated bags. People should be more vigilant to avoid being misled and deceived. The EPD will refer cases with suspected criminal elements to the Police for follow-up investigation.

Ends/Sunday, January 21, 2024
Issued at HKT 19:34