Applications for Pilot Scheme on Subvention for New Sports in year 2024-25 start today (with photos)

     ýÿThe Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) announced today (January 15) that the 2024-25 Pilot Scheme on Subvention for New Sports is open for applications from now until February 23. Local sports organisations could use the subvention to promote the development of new sports, thus providing more opportunities and choices for members of the public to take part in sports activities.
     To encourage eligible organisations to step up promotion of new sports, the LCSD will increase the amount of subvention under the Scheme for this year. Each successful applicant sports organisation will be offered a maximum of $180,000 ($150,000 for year 2023-24), or 85 per cent of the total eligible expenditure of the individual activity, whichever is the lower.
     A sports organisation wishing to apply for the subvention must be a non-profit making organisation with Articles of Association registered as a company limited by guarantee under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622). The new sport under application must be distinct from the sports/disciplines currently solely governed by national sports associations under the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China. The applicant organisation must also be recognised by and affiliated to the international federation/Asian federation/regional federation/recognised by the General Administration of Sport of China, and have successful experience in organising sports development programmes of various levels and types with eager participation by the public in the past two years.
      The applicant sports organisations shall provide a comprehensive long-term development and promotion plan as supplementary information. They should also provide relevant information on their competency in organising and arranging programmes; information illustrating a well-established governance structure with transparent and accountable policies, and its credentials as a widely recognised body in the sports sector.
     Priority will be given to new applicant sports organisations. As for previous applicant sports organisations, the LCSD will take into consideration their past performance and records when vetting their applications.
     For enquiries, please contact the Sports Funding Office of the LCSD at 2601 8756 or email Details of the Scheme can be found on the LCSD's website (

Ends/Monday, January 15, 2024
Issued at HKT 14:00