OFCA announces winning teams of 5G Campus Application Competition (with photos)

     The Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) held today (December 9) the Award Presentation Ceremony for the "5G Campus Application Competition". The Director-General of Communications, Mr Chaucer Leung, together with other guests, presented the awards to the winning teams.

     Addressing the award presentation ceremony, Mr Leung said, "I am very delighted to see that all the shortlisted projects, which covered a wide range of themes, fully utilised the characteristics of 5G while demonstrating creativity and meeting practical needs. The showcased projects thoroughly displayed the time, enthusiasm and seriousness invested in the Competition by the students. The shortlisted finalists also competently demonstrated their confidence and presentation skills. I hope that through participation in the Competition, the students can experience first-hand the various possibilities that 5G applications offer in improving the environment as well as their learning and daily lives. I also hope that the students will continue to learn and practise, and achieve greater success in the field of innovative technology in the future."

     The list of the winning teams is as follows:
Award Team Project Title and Content
Champion Nam Wah Catholic Secondary School Vehicle Surveillance Buzzer
An alarm system that operates on 5G technology can alert students of the traffic conditions on the road so as to reduce traffic accidents.
First Runner-up Christian and Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Secondary School 5G Campus Health Monitoring Wristband
The 5G-enabled monitoring wristband can help schools keep track of the students' health conditions on a real-time basis, and thus improving the handling of emergencies.
Second Runner-up Cumberland Presbyterian Church Yao Dao Secondary School Smart Green House Controller
Through a small greenhouse that operates on 5G technology, students can improve their way of learning by real-time observing the growth of small creatures, like insects and ecological habitat.
Merit Awards (sort by English name) Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School  5G VR Study Tour
With the aid of 5G technology, students can engage in a study tour anytime anywhere using real-time virtual reality (VR) devices, thus facilitating their learning and enhancing their learning interest.
HKUGA College  NutriLock (Food Delivery e-Locker)
With the use of 5G technology and sensors, the storage cabinet can monitor the delivery and temperature of takeaway food to ensure food hygiene and safety.
La Salle College  MetaLab
With the use of 5G technology and VR devices, virtual experiments can be conducted in order to reduce costs, risks and contaminations caused by the experiments.
Maryknoll Fathers' School  School in Metaverse
With the deployment of 5G technology, students can conduct online learning and interest classes and other activities to increase students' interest in learning.
Queen Elizabeth School Old Students' Association Secondary School  "Tree and People" Enhancement Project with 5G Technology
With the aid of 5G technology, Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, students can overcome the constraints of time, weather and dangerous locations in collecting real-time data, thus facilitating them to conduct the interdisciplinary "Tree and People" project.
St Paul's Convent School Study Buddy
A chatbot is designed using 5G technology to assist students in planning their learning progress, as well as boosting their learning interests and efficiency.
TWGHs Kap Yan Directors' College Smart Library
A smart library is established using 5G and Radio Frequency Identification devices to help enhance the library's efficiency and its environment.

     Organised by the OFCA and co-organised by the Hong Kong Productivity Council, the Competition was launched in May this year. With the theme of "5G Campus for Smart Life", the Competition aims to enhance students' understanding of 5G technology and its applications, as well as to encourage their active participation in the development of advanced technologies and innovative industries through the application of 5G technology. A total of 33 submissions from 29 secondary schools were received. In August, 10 teams were shortlisted to compete in the final round held in November. The judging panel, comprising representatives from the OFCA, the academic sector and research institutes, as well as industry experts, determined the final rankings of the shortlisted entries based on the scoring criteria.

     The list of the winning teams has also been uploaded to the thematic website of the competition (www.ofca.gov.hk/5gcompetition/en/home/index.html).

Ends/Saturday, December 9, 2023
Issued at HKT 16:30