Three LCSD museums continue to extend opening hours at weekends to support Night Vibes Hong Kong campaign

     ýÿTo echo the Night Vibes Hong Kong campaign to promote night activities, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department will continue to extend the opening hours of three museums under the department.
     The Hong Kong Museum of Art (HKMoA), the Hong Kong Science Museum (HKScM) and the Hong Kong Space Museum (HKSpM) will continue to extend their opening hours to 10pm on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays (except December 24 and 31 where special arrangements will be applied) (Note) until January 1 next year. Members of the public are welcome to visit various exhibitions in the museums. During the extended opening nights, the Space Theatre at the HKSpM will also feature an extra show.
     For details, please visit the websites of the HKMoA at, the HKScM at and the HKSpM at
     Note: To facilitate holiday celebrations and crowd control, on December 24, the three museums will close at 5pm. On December 31, the HKMoA will close at 7pm while the HKScM and the HKSpM will close at 9pm.

Ends/Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Issued at HKT 15:00