Civil service central consultative councils and service-wide staff unions fully support DC election (with photos)

     ýÿThe Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, and the Secretary for the Civil Service, Mrs Ingrid Yeung, met with representatives from the four civil service central consultative councils and the four major service-wide staff unions this afternoon (November 21) on the District Council (DC) election to be held on December 10. Representatives of the councils and unions all expressed that they will render full support to the DC election and continue to actively encourage civil service colleagues to vote with their families and friends, so as to bring forth new-term DCs that serve the public in a practical manner and improve their livelihood at the district level.
     Mr Chan said the DC election, as the first large-scale territory-wide election following improvements to the district governance system and reforms to the DCs in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), is of utmost significance to the steadfast and successful implementation of "one country, two systems" as well as the good governance of the HKSAR. He stressed that the civil service, as a key component of the HKSAR Government's governance system, plays an irreplaceable and important role in governing Hong Kong effectively and maintaining the stability and prosperity of the city. Civil servants shoulder the responsibility of implementing and supporting the HKSAR Government's policy initiatives, and should also lead by example by discharging the civic responsibility of casting their votes in the DC election.
     Noting that more than 30 000 civil servants will be expected to discharge electoral duties at different posts on the polling day, Mrs Yeung said they must work together to ensure that the election will be open, fair, honest, and conducted in a safe and orderly manner. Arrangements will be made for them to return to their respective constituencies during the day to cast their votes.
     Mr Chan and Mrs Yeung appealed to all civil service colleagues again to vote, together with their families and friends, on the polling day (December 10) in the hope of electing DC members with talent, aspiration and commitment to build a better community for Hong Kong.
     Registered electors can visit the DC election website ( for their respective constituencies and information of the candidates. The polling hours of DC geographical constituency ordinary polling stations on the polling day will be from 8.30am to 10.30pm.

Ends/Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Issued at HKT 18:57